new moon solar eclipseThe NEW MOON is here with an eclipse in Cancer bringing to us the energy of a brand new day. Moon in Cancer represents the energy of the Mother and she’s bringing with her the birth of new directions and breakthroughs. This energy is a quantum shift to live more intuitively and to follow your heart.
From Simone Butler:
“Are you feeling the heat? Since June 1, we’ve been in a super-accelerated eclipse phase. If you haven’t already felt and heeded the call to change, get ready – because the July 1 Cancer New Moon eclipse (1:54 a.m. PDT) is the Big Mama of them all.
“Cancer rules birth. And summer is a time of ripening and fruition. Because this birthing season is more powerfully potent than most, we can create something extraordinary if we’re willing to go through the pain of labor. The July 1 eclipse forms a Grand Cross with Uranus (sudden change), Saturn (reality), and Pluto (pressure), all in cardinal action signs. This alchemical pattern unfolds between June 26 and July 2. It’s the moment when lead transforms into gold. Through intense heat and pressure, something new is born.
“The Moon (feminine), strong in her own sign of Cancer, eclipses the Sun (masculine) at the dark of the moon. This puts Mama in charge. And, she’s no longer taking any abuse. Earth changes or uprisings are a possibility around this eclipse. The deep feminine is also rising up within us. Our feelings and intuition demand that we bury the old and birth the new.
“This eclipse initiates a new chapter for you. The house it activates is where you’re likely to experience change. There’s also good fortune coming your way, as lucky Jupiter makes a supportive sextile to the eclipse. “
© 2011 Simone Butler All rights reserved
From Dipali Desai from her site Celestial Space Astrology Blog:
“This Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Cancer ignites a major configuration. A big pow wow in the sky metaphorically, like major fireworks display being set into motion. A little something, well ok a big something for everyone – somewhere or somehow.
“Normally, have a pair of eclipses a Solar and Lunar. And this year 2011, we have three in a row which is out of the norm. From my perspective, in the trinity of activations the July 1st, 2011 Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Cancer is the last of the trinity and it is the most influential. The waves cast from a Solar Eclipse will last up to twelve months. You can view a Solar eclipse symbolism as an turbo-charged new moon(where the Sun and Moon unite at the same degree in the same sign.) A new moon phase in the lunar cycle is a wonderful time to set new intention(s), plant new seeds, create a new opportunity  or start a new routine and or habit. It is an golden opportunity you don’t want to pass up….
“The Solar Eclipse in Cancer is brimming with active expressive energy and may very likely be a major turning point or gateway for this year. There was a similar but not exact configuration set up, that we experienced last summer 2010 with major planets in cardinal signs. Some symbolic (or literal) seismic activity and intense energy waves flowing in. This configuration, from my perspective, ushers in interesting changes, brings movement of energy and potentially liberates us from stuck spaces both inside and out.”
© Copyright 2011  Dipali Desai. All Rights Reserved