

Here is our dear brother Kaypacha with the weekly astrology report…
“As I see the big picture of our children’s future,
I know there’s a lot to do,
That begins with accepting and not regretting,
That I am another you.”
He says:
“It is often easier to see everyone else’s shadow, problems, and faults than it is to see our own. It seems easier to blame and point the finger than to own that we could have tried harder, stayed in there longer, and had a different result.
“Well this is one of those times where exercising patience, and calm, deep listening, can bear some positive results and long lasting commitments/contracts.
“While it maybe grueling to go over the details and come to agreements, it is like the universe is demanding that we really get clear on what we want, what we believe, what our truth is and what energy we are spreading around the place. Whew!
“May you triumph over the obstacles and blocks to speaking your truth and honoring the others and building powerful lasting relationships based on honesty, integrity,and trust. Go for it!”

