Here is brother Kaypacha’s Astrological download for this week.
“It’s ok to feel,
Whatever arises within,
It’s when I distract, deny, and suppress,
That my troubles are soon to begin.”
He says:
“The thing about this week is the danger of losing yourself in order to ‘look good,’ ‘care take,’ or ‘be there,’ for everybody else. The challenge is to find the balance between, and honor both your inner personal needs and feelings while also showing up for others.
“This mantra does not imply that whatever urge arises needs to be acted on. The important thing is that the feeling is felt, recognized, and used for increased self knowledge and inner growth. Followed to its source, each feeling holds important information about who we are, what we need, and where to go, and why we are here….. tune in and check it out”

The recording of our Sacred Solstice live call with Kaypacha,  is now available for purchase.
It was a powerful virtual campfire where we tuned in with souls from all over the Earth, shared Sacred Space and received Astral Insights on what we can expect in 2015!
In it, Kaypacha discussed and revealed the key word to describe the energy next year: Exert! If you feel called to tune in and listen…You may purchase it for $22  here.
The recording is aprox. 1 hour long. 
Blessings and Happy Holidays to all!



