Here is an insightful astrology report from Sarah Varcas and her Astro Awakenings website for Week beginning 19th November 2012  (All dates and times are GMT):
“As Mars approaches a conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn (on 27/28th November), and Venus approaches a conjunction with Saturn in Scorpio (26th November), the heavens encourage us, with all their might and power, to get clear about what we want and why, and then get on with going for it! But notice the ‘and why’ bit in there first!”
“This isn’t just about blasting forth and doing whatever it takes to get what we want, regardless of consequences. The process in the coming few days is one of enquiry into what we desire and why, and then evaluating which of our desires are in tune with the cosmos enough to go all out for their satisfaction. We may well uncover some interesting information about what fuels our ambitions and dreams, and we may well need to take a step back in order to get clear about what’s driving us. The heavens will help us with this too, and reveal to anyone with an open heart and mind precisely what’s going on in the background of their psyche!”
This is a time for inner reflection to inform outer action. The more we can make this link between contemplation and action, the better able we’ll be to act with clarity, focus and awareness, for the greater good of all, not just the personal good of ourselves.”
“The 20th November sees a First Quarter Moon in the 29th degree of Aquarius. In this degree, the Moon points us towards transformation and the emergence of a butterfly from the chrysalis. The process of the butterfly freeing itself from its silky chamber is a challenging one and can take several hours. It requires strength and dedication on the part of the little creature, who will die if it doesn’t release itself when the time is right. It also requires patience, for in the struggle and challenge the strength is developed to enable the butterfly to then fly free. Without this struggle, the butterfly could not do this anyway. We see here a metaphor often used for our own transformations and metamorphoses: Change can be challenging, a struggle, but without that struggle we would not be strong enough to move onward in our lives in the new state of being brought forth by that very challenge.”
“Of course, although we may all know this, at least to some degree, it doesn’t seem to make it that much easier when we’re struggling to get out of our chrysalis and fly free in whatever new life awaits us. At times like that we can feel so much more caterpillar than butterfly! But butterfly we can still be. “
“This is the message of this Quarter Moon. No matter how tough the struggle or how challenging the conditions that we face, we will be that butterfly eventually, flying free and blessing the world with a lighter and more beautiful touch. But we can’t force the process or side step it. There is no quick fix for total transformation! It takes time and commitment. Dedication to the tasks at hand and the potential we can see within ourselves and each other.”
“At this time the Moon sees the potential and the struggle. She sees our hopes and fears, efforts and lack of them! She sees it all, and she reminds us that the harder we have to struggle the stronger our wings will be when we’re free, and the higher we can fly.”
“The challenges of these times are not to be sneezed at. They are, indeed, like nothing much we’ve collectively faced before, but as we all work at escaping from our own personal chrysalis when the time is right, the whole universe is cheering us on, knowing that our time and effort is being so very well spent, when dedicated to a brighter and more liberating future for one and all.”
“As the Moon enters Pisces on 20th November 4:56 p.m., she reminds us of the power of gentleness and the strength of surrender. Just as in the butterfly metaphor of the Quarter Moon, we see here the vibrant energy that exists within the most delicate of things.”
“Just because we meet attack with surrender doesn’t make us weak. It may be the strongest thing we’ve ever done, refusing to fight back or restate our case over and over, just accepting, allowing and moving on. But this is not a surrender in fear, or submission through defeat. No. This is a state of strength and awareness, which sees the bigger picture and knows that no matter how stung one’s ego can feel at times, the pain will pass and life goes on, and deciding not to invest anymore energy in the fight now can add to the reserves of energy available in due course once the pain has passed.”
“In the coming couple of days the Moon reminds us that strength takes many forms and when she’s in Pisces the greatest strength can be within the softest and most gentle of approaches.”
As the Sun shifts from Scorpio into Sagittarius on 21st, followed within hours by Venus shifting from Libra into Scorpio on 22nd, we enter a phase during which we have an opportunity to become more resonant with less than comfortable issues that have raised their heads lately, and begin to engage with them in an increasingly productive way. This is not to say that everything’s now set to magically fall into place. Far from it! But we have here a period during which we can begin to feel a bit more ‘at home’ with aspects of ourselves and our lives that we’ve heretofore chosen, consciously or otherwise, to ignore or disown. This is a great opportunity and we would all do well to take it!”
“As Venus travels through Scorpio in the coming three and a half weeks, she encourages us to enjoy the depths of the human psyche. To find the comfort in knowing ourselves deeply, and even to enjoy the riskiness of owning up to what really goes on in our minds and hearts at times! Whilst doing so can make us vulnerable, it can also liberate us from all manner of hindrances such as shame, guilt and that gnawing fear that maybe we’re the only one who thinks and feels that way, with everyone else seeming to be so full of light and love all the time (!). The more of us that can ‘own up’ in this way the better now, because in doing so we’ll be collectively releasing a whole host of energy for more positive use in the long run.”
“And with all this happening against the backdrop of the Sun in Sagittarius, who will help us stay positive and philosophical in the face of the judgements we may make about ourselves (and others!) and, of course, the judgements others may make about us, we have here an opportunity to just speak our truth, get it over with and be a bit more of who we actually are in the process.”
“So Venus and the Sun are working in tandem now, to ease us into a fuller appreciation of the value of honesty and its relationship to inspiration. Because, when it really comes down to it, few things truly inspire us more than the truth, and few truths set us free as radically as those about ourselves!”
 © Copyright 2012 Sarah Varcas. All Rights Reserved