Here is our dear brother Kaypacha  from his New Paradigm Astrology sharing his astrological guidance with us.
“There’s a whole wide world outside my door,
To touch, taste, feel, and explore.
I will open it wide and step outside,
As my Soul is ready for more.”
He says:
“Today the Sun is in the last critical degree of Scorpio, bringing much of this year’s Scorpionic energy to a culmination and close!   
“But we are not totally done with this initiation until Venus leaves the shadow zone next month. The lion’s share of death, dying, letting go, and feelings of powerlessness will be getting replaced with more opportunities for growth and expansion in new ways. 
“You will notice the change coming around this weekend after the full Moon in Gemini. Our moods will lighten again as the future continually beckons us onward!”
