Posts tagged "loving yourself"
Self-compassion is a series of choices~

Self-compassion is a series of choices~

"Ultimately, self-compassion is a series of choices, a moment by moment conscious turning away from that which will harm your spirit toward that which will nourish and sustain you....
Have the courage to ask~

Have the courage to ask~

"For many people, asking is the most difficult form of speaking out...Asking ---for the words, touches, reactions, gifts, responses, things to be done, ways to behave toward you, that you need--- can be a very scary thing...
Feel the difference between being magnetic to love and working hard for love~

Feel the difference between being magnetic to love and working hard for love~

"When you are magnetic to love you stop doing things you do not want to do so others will love you. Instead you do things that are loving to yourself...