Posts tagged "asking"
Kaypacha Insights and Reflections for week of October 3rd 2013~

Kaypacha Insights and Reflections for week of October 3rd 2013~

"It's hard to ask on bended knee, Admitting that you have what it is I need, But once I do I'm completely free, And love can grow as I becomes WE."
Have the courage to ask~

Have the courage to ask~

"For many people, asking is the most difficult form of speaking out...Asking ---for the words, touches, reactions, gifts, responses, things to be done, ways to behave toward you, that you need--- can be a very scary thing...
Guidance comes when you ask for it~

Guidance comes when you ask for it~

"Guidance comes faster and is clearer when you ask for it. Asking is an accelerated way to invite wisdom and grace to flow through you. The key is to be open and receptive...