Posts tagged "age of aquarius"
FULL MOON in AQUARIUS August 11th/12th 2022~

FULL MOON in AQUARIUS August 11th/12th 2022~

:: AQUARIUS FULL MOON ::: is bringing illumination and revelation. Many of us might be facing a turning point. There's a new chapter for us to write and experience, but it's up to us...
Life after the Uranus/Pluto Square by Sarah Varcas~

Life after the Uranus/Pluto Square by Sarah Varcas~

“It has been a time of both trauma and ecstasy, challenge and liberation. Few have been left untouched. The initiation into the Aquarian Age has well and truly begun..."
Robert Wilkinson on TransPluto/Divine Mother in Virgo era~

Robert Wilkinson on TransPluto/Divine Mother in Virgo era~

"While Transpluto has been dancing on the cusp of Leo and Virgo for a couple of years, it just re-entered Virgo where it will stay through July 2107. This is a huge shift for humanity!"
Surrendering the Personal & Learning how to Love : Tom Lescher astrological insights~

Surrendering the Personal & Learning how to Love : Tom Lescher astrological insights~

Key notes are "Personal stuff is getting challenged >>> into Surrender. We are awakening to our spiritual humanity that is satisfying and gratifying and fulfilling just as much, if not more more than just the personal!"
Neptune in Pisces-February 3, 2012 begins new 14 year cycle~

Neptune in Pisces-February 3, 2012 begins new 14 year cycle~

"Neptune won't return to Aquarius again in our lifetimes, but its lasting effect is profound. On February 3, it will move into Pisces, its home sign. A more compassionate and creative cycle will begin at that time, right in line...