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A Partial SOLAR ECLIPSE / NEW MOON in Scorpio is here on October 23rd 2014. It is at zero degrees Scorpio thus signaling a time of completion and initiation. Scorpio is keen about seeing the truth and if we can be truthful with ourselves about really seeing and releasing our the karmic loops, we have great opportunity to complete some aspect of our lives and begin a new phase. Relationships with others and with Self have great potential for expansion and for breakthrough.
Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights from the our beloved featured astrologers bringing their illuminating wisdom…
First from the insightful CATHY PAGANO from her Wisdom of Astrology:
“This week’s Scorpio New Moon is also a partial solar eclipse, visible in most of North America and eastern Asia.  A solar eclipse occurs when the Sun, Moon and Earth align and we see the Moon moving across the face of the Sun.  
“This alignment disrupts the usual flow of solar energy, dissolving old energy and behavior patterns so something new can manifest
“At a solar eclipse, we get to see the planting of the solar seed in the New Moon’s womb, and are therefore more conscious of what the possibilities are for this cycle.  As you can see, solar eclipses create extra powerful New Moons, marking times of major endings and new beginnings to an aspect of your life…”
“Scorpio wants us to feel what the right action is to take, and that means seriously looking into the unconscious to understand what we really feel and want out of life.  Not what we think we should want.   Not what we’ve been told to want.  But what we truly desire.  
“And that means understanding our feelings of vulnerability and our fears concerning betrayal, violence, rejection and self-worth, and the unconscious defense mechanisms which keep us from our authentic truth.”
“…Scorpio’s strength is that it isn’t afraid of the Dark, and so when the Sun is in Scorpio, it is a perfect time to look at our Shadows and see what we’ve been in fear of, suppressing and repressing.”
“When we can look within and see how those stuck emotional patterns keep us from what we truly want in life, we can consciously choose to shed those old patterns like a snake skin.  What may have protected us in the past no longer serves our on-going life and we have to die to an old way of being and acting, to be re-born to a higher level of consciousness.”
“…When we go through dark times, we often feel alone.  But Spirit is always helping us, even when we don’t recognize it.  Fortunately, for this solar eclipse, we will recognize the touch of Spirit, with Neptune in Pisces forming the closest aspect, a lucky trine (120*), to this super-packed New Moon. 
“Neptune in Pisces surrounds us with compassion as we go through our releases, and then gives us a strong hit of imagination to help us create new patterns.  What do you want to feel like?  How do you want to act with others? 
“If you want courage, imagine the goddess Sekhmet guarding you as a magical lioness.  If you need self-love, imagine Mother Mary holding you in her loving embrace.  If you need to forgive, ask Kuan Yin (she who listens to the sounds of suffering of the world) to open your heart…”
© Copyright 2014 ~CATHY PAGANO. All Rights Reserved
From the wonderful DIPALI DESAI and her Celestial Space Astrology:
“This New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Scorpio has a mysterious and potentially alluring quality to it as it makes a conjunction (team-like aspect) to Venus in Scorpio (the planet that symbolizes love, creative expression and relationships). Get ready to be drawn in and then plummet into the mysterious realm of rich feelings and emotional intimacy in a fresh new way…”
“Taking a closer look at Venus transiting through the astrological sign of Scorpio, the symbolism suggests the potential of profound magnetic quality when it comes to love, intimacy and relationships.
“However keep in mind that with this placement of Venus in the alluring sign of Scorpio, there is also a mystery or at times the high level of control occurring of exposing vulnerability and emotions when it comes to love. Venus in Scorpio does not let just any random stranger in. It is a highly selective process of opening up and taking a chance.
“If there you create a safe, trust filled space, the potential quality of Venus in Scorpio is that it will help you dive right into the all or nothing expression. The potential with Venus in Scorpio connecting to the New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Scorpio is ‘expressing your feelings of tenderness and love is the ultimate strength, enhances trust and will deepen intimacy.’ It is learning to trust yourself, so you are able to more fully trust another.”
“…The New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Scorpio is sure to leave its extreme emotional imprint of new beginnings upon the heart energy. It almost dares each to go into the unknown and expose new parts of self which are waiting in the wings desiring expression.
“There is potential to expand trust and empowerment. For some people, this time period may be a rising up from the symbolic ashes of purification and emerging into a new way of being in intimate relationships (including with self). Feel into the energy of re-birth, resurrection and rising up with empowerment. This is an extraordinary phase, use the potential to its fullest.
“Set your 1 clear intention. Go into your emotional level and ask….what is the next step of empowerment? Plant the symbolic seed or habit within the subconscious and take action to support and nurture it until fruition. “I AM an Empowered Conscious Being” is a wonderful statement to use now.
© Copyright 2014 ~DIPALI DESAI . All Rights Reserved
From the always inspiring KELLEY ROSANO:
“This is the last Scorpio eclipse unit 2032. It is a busy day in the heavens. The Sun and Venus move into Scorpio. Then there is the New Moon…”
“This New Moon Eclipse is at zero degrees Scorpio. This is also a time of completion. Eclipses can place your feet firmly on a new path. The effect can last months and years. As something ends in your life something new will begin…”
“Scorpio rules truth and the emotional truth. Scorpio is one of the most powerful signs in the zodiac… Scorpio is the eagle. The eagle will soar above the drama where many folks are entangled.
“This detachment provides Scorpios the ability to see the big picture. This empowers them to get to the source of the problem…The phoenix is highest level of Scorpio. It is a magical bird. The phoenix rises from the ashes of the past to be born again.”
“…Scorpios are extremely loyal. They love deeply and seek the same in return. They will protect those they love. Wherever Scorpio lands in your natal birth chart is where you want to dive deep into the house issues.
“You are being asked to have a deep involvement. Get to the core of the affairs and understand their meaning for you. There is no greater mystery to solve than the mystery of the real you. Be your own detective and discover you….”
“This is a magical New Moon. The reason is Neptune is in Pisces. It is in harmony with the Sun, Moon and Venus in Scorpio. This is a healing energy. This eclipse could increase your psychic abilities. Pay attention to messages the Universe is sending you. Messages can come from animals, people and your Inner Being.
“This eclipse could expand your creativity. You could see solutions to long range problems. There is a synchronicity to this dynamic. You could be in the right place at the right time. Doors open up for you. Pay attention to your dreams. They could reveal important information for you. Listen to your intuition. It is strong now. The mind can fool you. Your intuition, your gut instincts will never fail you. The body is the messenger. What is your body telling you?”
“…There are no ugly aspects to this Scorpio Eclipse. This is good news. Wherever Scorpio lands in your natal birth chart is where you are completing things. You are also getting a new start here.
“The Scorpio Eclipse may ignite your fears. Embrace your fears. Hug the heck out of these little demons. This will diminish their hold over you. Remember that you are stronger than any problem or challenge that comes your way. Use your inner strength and fortitude to carry you.
“Do not indulge in negative thinking. You cannot afford this luxury. You create more problems for yourself when you allow your mind to be in negative thoughts. The Law of Attraction is matching your energy…Focus on what is working. Focus on the good in your life.Choose love not fear. Be strong. Keep your mind healthy and focused on the positive. This will create what you want. You are a powerful creator. Use your mind to create the life you love and desire.”
“…Communication will get back on track. Yeah! Mercury moves direct on October 25. This will help with relationships and negotiations…”
“Be in appreciation for all the good in your life. Say aloud, ‘Thank you universe for the new opportunities that are now in my life.’ This is a good mantra.”
© Copyright 2014 ~KELLEY ROSANO. All Rights Reserved
From the wonderful DIVINE HARMONY:
“The Dark Goddess features prominently in the Solar Eclipse chart. Mean Black Moon Lilith (BML) is conjunct Dark Moon Lilith and square to Saturn and Ceres in Scorpio. There is some deep, intense, underwordly energy coming up to be addressed and looked at in family dynamics and in how we treat Mother Earth (Ceres is the Earth Mother).”
“…Asteroid Lilith is conjunct retrograde Mercury and opposite Uranus- activating the lower mind/Higher mind opposition that is exact on Saturday when Mercury stations direct. This aspect begs the question ‘What is Truth?’ and further ‘How do I communicate and align with my Truth?’ When Uranus is involved we have wild card energy- so this weekend we’d all do well to expect the unexpected and stay open to sudden shifts, changes and/or unexpected information to come to Light.
“With so much Dark Goddess in the chart- we are asked to face our own shadows and our tendency to express unhealed, unwhole Dark Goddess energy in the form of victim or tyrant. Ultimately the journey with the Dark Goddess is one of empowerment- which comes when we are so deeply anchored within ourselves and within Mother Earth that we know who we are, why we are here and what we need to do with our lives.
“The journey with the DG is not one of ease, but it is one of importance and deep meaning. With her energetic signature all over the chart- we’d do well to acknowledge our place in this journey and see what we can do to further it, rather than get stuck in the muck of our karma and refuse to budge ;)”
“…We all have an area of our chart that this eclipse degree falls…if you happen to have any planets around 28/29 libra to 3/4 scorpio- factor that in when you are thinking about where you are blasting through the karmic glass ceiling- ready to move past what has previously held you back (maybe for lifetimes).This is deep stuff- and powerful astrology- so be sure to use it wisely!”
© Copyright 2014 ~DIVINE HARMONY. All Rights Reserved
Eclipse & New Moon Blessings to all!


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