As we reach the end of 2011, we can look back upon the past year and acknowledge the rich medicine it has brought us. No doubt it has been a huge, transformational year for all of us.
Take the time to acknowledge through RITUAL the passing of this year, all that you have moved through, all that you have overcome and all that you have gained. Bless and release the past. Light a candle, and sit in front of it and reflect. Then hold that candle in your hands and think of what you have nurtured within, then pause to reflect on that light which you wish to carry forth into the next year.
Great things await. 2011 has been a year of self-mastery. Growth is not easy, but we have gained more than we realize. As we move into this prophetic year of 2012, make a commitment to yourself to move deeper into your heart. Access your tremendous gift of intuition and connect with the greater grid of light, love and support that is available for you. As Roosevelt once said “there is nothing to fear, but fear itself.” Choose love and express that love in the world. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for, and the time is now.
Blessings and good cheer!
Peace to the planet and all living creatures on Earth!