Ok dear friends, here are the astrological insights for the last NEW MOON of 2012! Wow. Beautiful energy for this SUPERMOON, so take let’s take the time to align on this day and like a skilled archer shoot those dreams of peace and love and oneness into existence!
First from the always wise Cathy Lynn Pagano and her Wisdom of Astrology:
“This is the last new Moon before December 21, 2012.  While I know that the end of the world is not going to happen, I also know that we all need a marker that we can look back on and say, ‘My new life began on that day.’  We can use this marker of 12.21.12 not only for our personal life but also for our collective life….”
“So what do we do with the last new Moon before such a birth?  What seed do we want to plant?  Perhaps if we explore the nature of Sagittarius, we’ll find our seed.”
“Sagittarius is a mutable sign, meaning it can take many forms. The horse-person defines the personality which can ride its instinctive nature consciously and move quickly into the future.”
“But like the arrow which is the symbol of Sagittarius, this energy wants to know which direction to head in. Sagittarius wants to head off on an adventure, either a physical adventure or a philosophical one.”
Expansion is the word, and with Sagittarius’ ruler, Jupiter, traveling backwards in Gemini, we want to expand our categories and deepen our perceptions….”
“Sagittarius energizes our spiritual search.  After our death & rebirth experience in Scorpio, we want a new understanding of our place in the Cosmos…”
“…We need a new cosmic story, a story that gives us a positive belief about what the future holds.  If we choose to live in a story of fear, it will hold fear.  If we choose to live in a story of creativity, it will be a creative story.  If we live in a story of hope, there will be hope.  So it’s important to choose what to believe in. “
“Our beliefs shape our lives.  Sagittarius helps us choose our beliefs.   Sagittarius is a truth-seeker and a truth-speaker.  It is our Sag energy that pushes us to personally connect to Great Spirit, connecting to the Source of creation itself.”
© Copyright 2012 2013 ~ Cathy Lynn Pagano. All Rights Reserved
From the always inspiring Kelly Rosano:
“The New Moon paints a picture of an encouraging future, a vision of world peace and prosperity….”
“We are shifting from duality consciousness (separation) to unity consciousness. We are all in life together. All Are One.  Unity consciousness does not imply that we will all be singing the same song. Instead, each one will sing their own soul song. We can celebrate our authentic nature, uniqueness and human spirit…”
“Separation from Source and each other is an illusion…We are ripping through the veils of illusion. We are peeling back heavy energy layers.  We are releasing duality and the lower negative energies. This deep core internal work can feel exhausting.”
“We are being stepped up in vibration. We can choose Freedom. We are Jupiter Dancing at the New Moon.  Jupiter is gifts from the Gods. Jupiter can give us sudden windfalls, good fortune, blessings and awesome opportunities. We are sons and daughters of the most High God, Source, and LOVE.  We are awakening.”
“…We are being blasted with Creator’s LOVE/Light energy. We are being stretched and grown in high-speed acceleration. This is causing a roller coaster ride of emotions. Up one moment down the next.  We can be happy then sad. We can be jumping for joy today. Tomorrow we could be angry and reacting.”
“We are great spiritual beings having a human experience. Yet, this rapid growth can cause a wide range of emotions. We are doing something that has never been done before in all of cosmos: the Physical Ascension. Earth is Ascending. We are creating the New Earth. Real growth is painful.  We can feel like we are going nutty sometimes. This too shall pass. Inner peace and calm will replace the crazy-making ups and downs…”
“The Sagittarius New Moon is a SuperMoon. The Moon is closest to the earth (perigee) and in direct alignment with the Sun and Earth (syzygy). The Sag SuperMoon is an extra powerful New Moon increasing the electromagnetic and gravitational pulls on the Earth, the oceans and people.”
“We are getting an upgrade into higher consciousness…The more we let go and release the past. We create the space for the Light to fill us up and empower us.  We are to become who we truly are, the empowered ones.”
“2012 will depend on who you are. Nothing will happen to you. What happens is what you choose to happen…” ~ Diana Stone.
© Copyright 2012 2013 ~ Kelly Rosano. All Rights Reserved
 From the insighful Dipali Desai and her Celestial Space Astrology Blog:
“The energy leading up to and shortly after the New moon and Uranus going Direct may feel like it it buzzing, humming and electric. Keywords like bold, daring, blazing and visionary come to light. Something new is taking shape and it is on the horizon, almost within sight.”
“The prominent theme of the fire element symbolizes the ‘let’s get moving, less talk more action.”’ All the recent snafus and snags will feel like they are burned up and turning to ash – a thing of the past. Pulse of passion moves through each person perhaps invigorating and ramping up inner energy to take action and be decisive. Your aim and intention has to be clear for your energy to follow it to the end.”
“Few days before and up to about the end of December 2012, it is possible to feel wild adventurous energy that moves through people and situations. It can bring wonderful synchronicity and delightful surprises in tow. Certainly can feel like moving in wild abandon and throwing caution to the wind. Well, you can but perhaps a bit of wisdom will keep you in line and your eye on the goal. The risk with fire element is, impatience, being excessively hyper and of course overly impulsive. A bit of wise restraint and caution when necessary is advised.”
“With the New Moon in Sagittarius, it is about expanding Consciousness and aiming for higher aspirations. Sagittarius symbolizes the higher mind or higher Wisdom Self/Soul, therefore you would want to tune into the voice within to help you aim for the best and what serves your highest good on your life path. An optimistic tone may weave in through this new moon phase.”
“A wonderful time to really ‘seed’ new intention into the subconscious and take action to set it into motion. New insights pour in as does delightful shocking or surprising news or information. Keep your notebook or journal nearby to write down information or ideas now.”
“Overall, the energy of the New Moon in Sagittarius is fabulous and possibly surprising. You could be giving the surprise or receiving one. Read the article “Opening up the way to Give Back to Those Who Nourish Your Being.”  Now more than ever, it will help to break apart old patterns and being on auto-pilot.”
“Be open to what you least expect and realize that something interesting is being revealed now or giving the proper jolt required to get you moving in the direction that will help you feel most fulfilled. Now is the moment to dare yourself to break-free of the old and ask Soul to guide you to what will help you to quickly move into the next rung of the spiral of evolution.”
© Copyright 2012 2013 ~ Dipali Desai. All Rights Reserved
Lastly from Pat Liles from The Power Path.com:
“As the Moon increases from New to Full Moon, and as the days lengthen and bring more light at Solstice, we have the power of increase at our fingertips. Use it; ride the wave; harness it. On so many levels, we are being offered the portals, tools, and opportunities to tune in to unprecedented spiritual evolution.”
 “…The feminine aspects of the chart, Venus and the asteroid goddess elements are very active here. The energetic strengthening and balancing of the feminine can be felt as our hearts expand, our awareness of the love that surrounds us expands, our consciousness of our undeniable connection to all living beings expands. We see the hand of the feminine as we nurture and support, as we deepen our vulnerability and connection in relationship, as we are uplifted by joining together in community and family of like-minded, celebratory souls…”
“Look for a wonderful meteor shower, the Geminids, active December 6-19 between 12 and 2 AM MST and peaking on New Moon night, Dec 13-14, where the darkness of the night will enhance viewing.
Blessings on Us All as the wheel turns to the New!” 
© Copyright 2012 2013 ~ Pat Liles All Rights Reserved
SUPERMOON blessings~~~




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