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*NEW MOON* in Leo rises the curtain on our eclipse portal and sets the stage for our own emergence. Leo stokes the flames our potential and gestures the free and total expression of our Being to shine forth like the Sun.
Courage to be our true selves, to find the strength in our vulnerabilities, our truth, and our rawness and to live from the inside out.
We are reminded to cultivate our own HEARTspace, to open wider into those energetic spaces that helps us to feel free, and move without abandon closer to that which lights us up, and ignites the Light within us to come forth!
Planetary aspects have been heating our alchemical cauldrons, and the heat we are feeling, although uncomfortable, is bringing to the surface toxic patterns needed to be purified and transmuted for the magic to occur.
As we move into the sign of Leo, the Alchemy taking place is within our very own hearts. Ultimately, it is up to us to tend to our own heart flame by kindling it with what will bring it expansion and illumination. The more we can focus and listen to our hearts, the more can stay heart-centered and this will be key in moving through this  portal ahead. 
Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights from our beloved featured astrologers. first from the always wonderful CATHY PAGANO from her Wisdom of Astrology:
“We’re about to enter the twilight zone – a lunar month that begins with a Leo New Moon, which grows into a partial Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius/Leo and ends with another Leo New Moon that is also a powerful Solar Eclipse.
“This is the month when we reclaim our heart’s power to transform our life with love.
“This is a month to open to the power of creation and let it rip through our psyches until we are breathless with the fun and wonder of the Light. This is the month to step into our heart’s power.
“Since Mars will be conjunct this 1st Leo New Moon, he’s in the spotlight. In the past 6 week as Mars journeyed through Cancer, he dove deep into our emotional depths to explore what our souls really desire…”
“Venus helped him get his head aligned with his heart regarding his deepest desires concerning partnership, family and our individual soul desires. What did you discover about your need for security, love, relationship and family?
“…Mars was challenged by Jupiter to make good on his truth, instead of overreacting to his situation. Did you choose partnership over domination? Where you able to step into real partnership? 
“…On July 17th, Mars squared Uranus in Aries, offering us the opportunity to shape and channel our own unique way of doing things – or letting things explode because the tension and frustration got too much for us. 
“During those 6 weeks, Mars engaged the dynamic T-Square of revolution, evolution and equality on a feeling level. As he enters Leo, Mars has been reborn!
“So now we find ourselves with Mars engaging this first Leo New Moon.. so dig deep this month into your heart’s most secret chamber so you know what lies there in preparation for the eclipse on August 21.
“This New Moon makes what we call an ‘out of sign’ square to Uranus in Aries, challenging us to be our own uniques selves, regardless of what others’ think. 
“That’s a big lesson this month with the South Node in Aquarius. Now is not the time to try to ‘fit in’.
“Stay true to yourself and let the Sun’s power…energize you for the big changes we’re all feeling.”
© Copyright 2017 ~CATHY PAGANO All Rights Reserved


From astrologer ELAINE KALANTARIAN from her Blue Moon
“Leo is an critical force for growth and development for us all right now. So what does this mean?
“… freedom, the freedom to claim one’s own path, a chomping-at-the-bit need to do things differently, to break out of those old tired routines will be an important drive over this next month. Along with the challenge to drum up sufficient courage to answer this strong Sun-Moon-Mars-Uranus “Call of the Wild.”
“This ‘out of sign’ aspect to Uranus also suggests the need to do a better job trusting your own perceptions and feelings. Trusting your struggle.
“Doing a better job listening to yourself, not ignoring, justifying, forcing yourself to do things you know are wrong for you. What you perceive stems from how you feel and how well you are able to simply just be yourself, mind yourself.
“This connection to Uranus in Aries is a reminder of the importance of paying attention to how YOU feel and what YOU think, even though that may very different from other people’s experiences and opinions.
“Mars-Uranus is very much a ‘make up your own damn mind’ kind of energy, something a lot of us need a lot more of.”
© Copyright 2017 ~ELAINE KALANTARIAN All Rights Reserved
From the wonderful PAT LILES from The Power
“Mars has also just entered Leo; Mercury’s there too…Mars gives the courage to vanquish the fears that arise as we tread new, uncharted waters and the energy and passion to make changes…”
“Uranus in Aries squares the Sun-Moon-Mars trio ~ shift, change, awakening is afoot.  A square is a Crisis/Opportunity situation.
“We receive this Uranian influence from the deep cosmic intelligence beyond the thinking, rational mind.  
“Uranus has no qualms about letting the dragons of change loose on your life, perhaps because you can’t see how great it can be on the other side…”
“What’s being shattered?  What’s being healed in the next month as we enter this sacred portal of change and reset during the eclipse cycle?
“…We have only recently (May, 2017) entered the eighteen-month period of the North Node being in Leo and the South Node in Aquarius. 
“A powerful new trajectory of growth (North Node) and release (South Node) is unfolding in the next month and will shape our 18 month journey of lessons coming from the Leo/Aquarius axis:  asserting our individuality from the mainstream, releasing our masks covering the authentic heart-felt self, letting ourselves be used as vessels for our divine essence and our purpose in this lifetime, radiating our confidence and delight in our power to create a magnificent life, courageously standing up for the kingdom and community we want to live in, releasing our inner child to play, create, express, and becoming champions of love and awakening…”
“Our security-needing habitual selves will feel the impact of letting more love and energy into our lives, but it’s clear, we have been preparing for this growth for many months.”
© Copyright 2017 ~PAT LILES All Rights Reserved
And finally from the always insightful DIVINE HARMONY
“There are other aspects made in the New Moon chart that are super important to be aware of. Venus is opposite Saturn and mean Black Moon Lilith- heading into square Chiron.
“Big stuff is up in Love and money situations with a need to see the shadow clearly and own our piece in perpetuating the wounded patterns in our lives (i.e. woundships!).
“We also have Ceres the Great Mother opposite Juno the Goddess of partnership and marriage- pitting the needs of our family or for our safety and security against our agreements, commitments and contracts with others.
“There could be stuff up in relationships and family dynamics that need attending to during the upcoming lunar cycle!
“…Our willingness to dive into the depths, face shadows, retrieve lost aspects of ourselves and release/let go of what is no longer valid or perhaps was not even ours to begin with is key…”
“One asteroid that is important to take note of is Sisyphus- as he is conjunct the Sun and Moon… With the New Moon conjunct Sisyphus there is a strong karmic energy to this lunar cycle- with a focus on where we keep on getting stuck, keep on starting over only to get stuck again, where we keep tripping on our own karma.
“The thing about this kind of karma is we have to take full responsibility and accountability for our part in creating it in order to be freed from it. Escapism, blaming, complaining will not change things!
“I leave you with Ellias Lonsdale’s Star Sparks meditation for the 1st degree of Leo… The title of this one made me laugh ‘a divorced husband and wife enjoying each other’s company’. He talks about the drama of the karmas- playing off against each other. And then he speaks to the moment we get thrown out of the illusion- we wake up to reality on it’s own terms.
“He says that from this place a second life unfolds- not as fascinating or exciting perhaps- but it allows us to fully show up to all that is and all that we are…”
© Copyright 2017 ~DIVINE HARMONY All Rights Reserved


Leo 1 A divorced husband and wife enjoying each other’s company
“Each and every polarity we weave exists in fundamental opposition to each and every counter polarity.
“These worlds tend to pull apart in the stresses of modern life. And when our world comes apart, we burst open and we soon find that the enormity, the pressure, the struggle yields to grace, to freedom, to joy, to love resurgent.
“Yet it usually takes the breaking of the vessel, the shattering of the image before we come to our senses.
“We like to inhabit positions, to believe in roles, to identify with a certain way of life over another.
“Our outer consciousness delights endlessly in filling these containers of form with our own special touches of the ways we can do it. And when the intense sociocultural sphere contains endless images parading before our inner eye, we can select our own and play it out and imagine somehow that this is the only way to go.
“So we insist upon the drama of the karmas being once again enacted in full fleshly form before our very eyes with our own rapt abandon to the occasion. And we make as much as we can out of this romantic and tragic, funny and endlessly entangling way to be just this one played off against just that one.
“Our real life begins when we are thrown out of the illusion, suddenly no longer the star performer in the happy story. Then what counts is where we go with the fulfillment of our fears, the destruction of our naïve assumptions and wishes.
“Will we wake up in the appropriate moment, cast loose what we only lightly took on, and enter upon the life that awaits those who are here for something more than what we all get lost in youthfully.
“Inside that something more, a second life unfolds, with a void self, a selfless vessel in the central position.
“It’s not as divesting, nor so heroic and fascinating. But showing up is what we get to do at last.”
© Copyright 2017 ~ELLIAS LONSDALE All Rights Reserved


*NEW MOON* Blessings to each of our hearts~~~
 N E W   M O O N 

July 23rd  2:46 am PDT

July 23rd 9:46 am GMT

July 23rd  8:46 pm AEDT


★ ★ ★  SHARING GUIDELINES  ★  ★  ★

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