“Think back to a time in your life when you heard music that was so powerful and beautiful you were carried away in ecstasy. The angels were there, touching the strings of your heart and spontaneously opening a channel to experience the irresistible force of their expression…”
“These choirs are always in the lookout for open hearts and ears so that through them our world may be brought into tune…
“Each of us takes part in the mighty orchestra of the universe, through which the angels send inspiration, purification, instruction, faith and love to our yearning souls…
“Music is vibration.…Music is a powerful tool for transformation from the little self to the Eternal Self. 
“Search for music that increases your ability to vibrate and feel. When music makes you want to dance, you are opening to receive more Light. When music touches your heart, you are opening to receive love. 
“When music unleashes your sensuality and passion, you are becoming more alive. When music helps you express anger and rage, you are opening to make room for the transformation that will ultimate take you Home! When music breaks free the sadness in your heart, you feel an overpowering longing.
“This vibration is your direct connection with the energy of God, the angels, and your Eternal Self.”
~Kimberly Marooney from Angel Blessings


☇☇☇ Music touches our innermost being~