

Mercury is going retrograde in Scorpio on October 21st 2013…
Welcome this retrograde as an opportunity to cleanse the mental realms and let go of the mental clutter and baggage.
Know that it’s a time to clear the decks so we can access, check in, feel in and hone in what is resonating with us.
Try to strip away other influences, so you can get a clear picture of what feels right for you.
Then use your Mercurial thinking gifts to organize what you need to do next to move toward your dreams.
Here are the Astral Insights for this period and what we can expect.
From the wonderful Dipali Desai and her Celestial Space Astrology:
“Like a snake shedding its skin, this Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio provides us the prime opportunity to shed our perceptions, thinking and limitations within the mind.
“During the Mercury retrograde phase of about 3 weeks, it is a time to empty out the excess, extremes and floating debris within the mental energy body, mind and thought process.
“Reading so much information, half of it or more people never use! Can you imagine what you are storing and how that slows down your processing and having clarity of thought?
“This is a time where we can examine which perception, thought, idea, concept and information is empowering and helpful and which one will take us into the depths of fear and even terror. So consider this precious phase where we will shed outworn thoughts, stuck thinking and fixations within the mind. 
“The usual comes up, delays in communication, snags or snafus in appointments. Be prepared and allow for plenty of time in between appointments, travel plans and so forth.
“Back up important computer files, triple check important documents before signing. This is not the best time to initiate new ideas, projects or plans. Wait and be patient.
Mercury retrograde is not the cause…. of anything. As I’ve often mentioned and I will do so again, Planets in astrology and planetary cycles do not cause anything. They symbolize the phase of development within Consciousness. Providing the symbolic language and understanding for one to move through.
“When you use the correct language and description, you set new energies in motion. If you keep talking about things in a way that is limiting and negative, so too will be  things manifesting in the mind and life. You are encouraged to talk about and think about this phase with a sense of curiosity and interest.
It is a necessary phase for the downtime of the mental energy to rejuvenate.
“Mercury retrograde in Scorpio reminds each to practice letting go and forgiveness. Instead of holding onto knots of lack of forgiveness which become toxic, let go.
Allow healing to take place through shifting perception and forgiveness of an open heart so you can free yourself of mental knots of anxiety and toxins. The higher level of Scorpio is the Eagle and through a highly trained and sharp Soul-level vision… one chooses to let go, heal and transform…”
 “Mercury goes retrograde in Scorpio making a fabulously delicious ‘Trine’ aspect to Jupiter in Cancer. This suggests harmony, grace and expanded flow of intuitive insights. Communications carry the vibe of optimistic, benevolence and possible joy...”
“Use the three weeks of the Mercury Retrograde phase to reawaken, restore, reflect, review, redo and so forth, all the “re” activities under a Mercury Retrograde is the way to go. There may be many insights that manifest.”
“Mercury in Scorpio’s symbolic gifts is renewal and metamorphosis within the mental energy and mind. We can let go of the excess and extremes and feel lighter and a sense of being reborn.
“Clarity of thought, new inspired ideas and heightened intuition may happen as a result of clearing away and healing under the retrograde phase.
© Copyright 2013 – Dipali Desai. All Rights Reserved
And from astrologer Chad Woodward from Kosmic Mind:
“Mercury retrograde reveals that this is a time for making critical adjustments within very deep chambers…”
“… if you approach this passage with maturity, discipline and focus—you will reap the valuable rewards and revealing insights it offers– all in due (and lengthy) time (it is Saturn we’re dealing with here). A critical and sharp focus and an eye for miniscule details will be required.
“This retrograde cycle brings about a hyperaware state of consciousness… and an introspective gaze and focus.
“Saturn’s involvement lends well to a process of reflection and a bout of solitary confinement. So, unlike many retrograde cycles, this one isn’t much of a break or vacation; there’s important work do be done…”
“Mercury retrograde is not conducive for active forward movement; it’s a time for reflection and for making adjustments where needed. Usually, the more we push the more resistance we encounter…”
Often, a specific outlook needs to change. We attract people or situations which seek to bring our attention to this need. Let go of the old and make way for the new—it will make you a more complete being.”
“Take stock, double check, and reiterate everything you communicate. This is a time to be clear and direct in your dealings…”
“If you’ve been delaying or putting aside something, a Mercury retrograde cycle often serves as an opportunity to deal with it—sort of like a second chance. Often this comes together without much planning or foresight, it seems to be a natural consequence of Mercury retrograde. “
“…don’t panic, worry or freak out…it could serve as a rather productive and insightful period of time.”
© Copyright 2013 –Chad Woodward. All Rights Reserved




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