Giulio Aristide Sartorio


Here is brother Kaypacha with his weekly Astrology Report…
“In my search for health and wellness,
I have found the source of illness,
As separation from the Oneness,
That sows seeds of fear and darkness.”
He says:
“When we believe in stress, in winning and losing, in accidents and that ‘Life’ is not a coherent, intelligent, structured, whole, we have fallen into the trap of ‘ego as boss,’ chaos, fear, dissolution, and in extreme cases, dis-ease, depression, catharsis, all the way down to madness. Well, fear not! The Sun is joining Jupiter in Virgo and it is time to clean up and clear out those misconceptions and come into alignment with our high Self! Yes!
“Is this easy? Does it happen overnight? Is there something I can take that will make it happen faster? The simple answer is no, no, no. There are temporary fixes, substitutes, and shortcuts, but just as a tree, flower, or sunrise doesn’t speed up due to desire, either is the organic process of cleansing, clearing, and releasing an instant process. We will be peeling back layer after layer of false beliefs, relationships founded on false assumptions, and identities based on what other people said.
“It may not be easy and it may not be quick but it can be exhilarating as you grow lighter and lighter and your energy builds and quickens and your attitude lifts and lifts others and on and on and on
“So just as your car runs like new after a good visit to the shop, put yourself through the litmus test of truth and pureness of heart and you may find that even though you needed your carburetor cleaned there is even more than hope for you, there is Awesomeness! Injoy!”



