
ART: Nakazawa Hiromitsu

Here is brother Kaypacha with the weekly astrological download…
“As I embrace my deep emotion,
And strive for conflict resolution,
I live a life of full expression,
Not shutdown by fear or suppression.”
He says:
“Good time to get in touch with those deep, primal emotions, needs, and fears. Get in touch with them, and share them, express them, make art with them, let them fire you up, shoot like a rocket to your highest potential! Woo Hoo! Don’t suppress them in some misguided attempt to be ‘super spiritual’ haha!” 
So yeah, this week/month is get down and dirty and dig up and share the deepest parts of yourself for healing, ecstatic union, and evolution to occur.  That may involve finding new ways to resolve conflict, as in this week’s mantra.
New Moon in Scorpio this weekend sets the tone for the month ahead: themes, needs, issues, etc.  And that means ‘shadow work,’ looking at all the deep dark needs, feelings, fears, and impulses that, when still unconscious, take us where we really don’t want to go and cause effects we regret in the future. 
“So onward and upward is feeling, talking about, expressing, and just flat out being aware of ourselves.  
“Whether you agree or disagree with the observations made in this video, I hope they are food for thought and a springboard for further discussion within your circles of relationship. 
“In this way, we can all become more aware of the socio-cultural-religious-educational conditioning going on, so as to identify more clearly for ourselves and our children just what kind of life we want to propagate on this planet!  Injoy!”



I myself have not watched Kaypacha’s suggestions yet but if you are interested here are the links he gives…
For info and tickets to Astrology Rising:
For JP Sears vid on the election:…
For Philip Zimbardo’s TED talk on porn:…