

Here is our dear Kaypacha with the weekly astrology report…
“When I am in fear I want more and more,
Love, money, and power than ever before.
But when my eyes open I begin to see,
That I always get just what I need.”
He says:
“This New Moon in Scorpio sets the tone for the month which is one of gain through loss, new life through death, and seeing the workings of the eternal in our daily lives.
“Let’s face it, it hurts to lose, whether it is a loved one, power, money, youth, health, or your car keys, favorite mug, or pet. Life is continually giving us things and taking them away again.
“We can easily go into victimization over these losses, get angry, twisted, wasted, or numb. Yet, it is also through the comings and goings of everything in our lives that we come to know that which is eternal, lasting, Spirit Self.
“Scorpio also holds the mystery that lies behind the changing forms or structures of our lives. The deep hidden truths not only of death, dying and letting go, but of metamorphosis, resurrection, creation and the new birth that follows upon the heals of that death.
“It is nothing less then than the workings of God, the face of our Maker, the Ultimate. To stare God in the face without fear could be one of the goals of our evolution. Give it a shot, check it out. See what you see.”

