
ART: WILLIAM BLAKE from The Book of Thel

Here is brother Kaypacha’s weekly Astrology report for the week of January 27 2015.
Mantra for this week:
“If I’m feeling like a victim,
My fate in others’ hands,
I know that Life is wanting me,
To find and take my stand.”
Kaypacha says:
“Maybe slow, but holding the ideal in our hearts and keeping the fire in our engines can produce some good results a few months from now. 
“The Mercury retrograde, in this case, can be seen as just a test of our will and resolve to stick with it, stay in our center, and calmly proceed with the faith that it is taking so long because Spirit is putting some other things in order that we are just not aware of….. back to the mystery.”
“….As we open to the subtle spirit world and sharpen our senses to perceive the unperceived ….. life can take on ever greater and greater dimensions. These can be exhilarating, AND they can be overwhelming.
“To stand with an open heart in the midst of challenging chaos is the path of the true initiate, the torch bearer for a new expression of the human potential.
“It is during times when we may feel powerless and inadequate in the face of the seemingly huge tasks at hand that we find and heal the spirit warrior within…”


