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*FULL MOON* coming into bloom in Capricorn brings core issues to the forefront of our consciousness. This is a time to strengthen personal boundaries and time to honor our feelings as we carefully navigate the delicate shores of our relationships.
Time to send our roots deeper into Mother Earth and call upon our unseen allies, angels, and great Spirit within and around us to help us walk with grace and strength through what could be some tricky territory.
Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights from our beloved featured astrologers. First from astrologer CHAD WOODWARD  from his Kosmic Mind:
“This month’s Full Moon in tropical Capricorn generates some pretty dramatic and dynamic astrology…”
“The Full Moon is not naturally comfortable in Capricorn, especially given the fact that it conjoins Pluto. It’s likely to feel edgy and awkward for many of us.
“The Full Moon also creates a t-square configuration with the Sun widely conjunct Mars in Cancer and Jupiter squaring from the sign of Libra.
“On one level, this Full Moon culmination may correlate with very strong feelings, perceptions, paranoia, and possibly an eruption of anger in those not fully conscious of what they’re experiencing.
“On the day of and the days surrounding this Full Moon, be mindful of not only how you’re responding to this complex dynamic, but also other people around you.
“While Pluto is certainly powerful, it’s also sneaky. In combination with Jupiter, this Full Moon could bring about dramatic and possibly over exaggerated reactions to situations without fully understanding the source.
“Those reactions could be partially justified, but most likely, they are an unconscious, fearful reaction to the unknown.
“As an autonomous being with free will, you have the choice to step away from situations that may trigger upset, rage, or hostility in other people.
“With that said, this is a powerful lunation because it can bring about tremendous insight regarding realities that you’ve likely been incredibly unconscious of.
“Both the Moon and Pluto are archetypes we associate with the hidden dimensions of the psyche. Every Full Moon brings events, projects, and developing situations to a head.
“This dramatic culmination will bring to light many things that have been concealed from view, ultimately so those realities can reach conscious awareness. This process has been underway the past week or so with several planets making oppositions to Pluto from Cancer…”
“Distance and solitude may be your best tactic in dealing with these energies. In fact, this is a good time to step away from any developing, external drama to assess your own life position to gain insight into the changes that need to be made at this time…”
“Bottom line: look beyond appearances at this time; there is far more going on than you can visibly see.”
© Copyright 2017 ~ CHAD WOODWARD All Rights Reserved

From ROBERT WILKINSON from his Aquarius Papers:
“This period will be integrative, extreme, and requires a lot of honesty and efficiency because the tension of opposites’ is going to be VERY strong!
“This initiating, heavy-handed, and ‘blunt force’ Full Moon challenging our need for forms of socially responsible behavior… falls at the 18th degree of Cancer and Capricorn…”
“This period is about revelations of how intimate feelings externalize in forms that either give or take away power, and the chart for this Lunation is volatile, featuring FOUR very heavy oppositions between power planets!
“This chart has a huge number of challenging aspects, indicating many tensions in the air and edgy behavior…This Full Moon will initiate a lot of activity, as well as awareness.”
© Copyright 2017 ~ ROBERT WILKINSON All Rights Reserved


 From DIPALI DESAI from her Celestial Space Astrology:
“Big, bold and deep issues around: home, family, ancestral patterns, death, and trust may arise. What if the old family structure is no longer in resonance to where you are now?
“…Consider that the Full Moon in Capricorn invites each individual towards greater responsibility of their emotional world and habits or tendencies…”
“Family/Ancestral patterns show up pretty strongly now too. Some of the issues may feel like they have been carried on for generations down the Ancestral lineage, to the point of feeling rigid and inflamed.
“As much as you are doing your personal healing and work, there are some bigger patterns happening which may need to be cleared and a greater understanding about how they play out in your life now…”
“What is in your living space? The personal and ancestral energies and patterns also may hanging out in the home or house (yes the stagnation also is embedded in the home and land).
“These energies may also impact health and well-being, create a feeling of being stifled, stagnate or inhibiting creative expression…perhaps it is time for your personal environment and land to be energetically cleared too so there is refreshing, supportive and nurturing space in your living quarters as well.
“Take a look at things at a basic structural level. What or who is creating an emotional wobble or undermining the strength and patience?
“How can you let the deep fear and limitation about time, loneliness and survival go? Which emotional habit and types of structures need your nurturing and commitment?
“The Full Moon in Capricorn brings the message and vibe of ‘let’s get on with things to accomplish for long-term success.’
With great care, patience and strength, a lot may shift now preparing the pathway for the next layer at the time of Mercury Retrograde, Lunar and Solar Eclipses in August 2017…”
© Copyright 2017 ~DIPALI DESAI All Rights Reserved


From PAT LILES from The Power
“…we are renovating ourselves, our ego-personality, how we have always shown up. With Pluto, the lesson stretches to become both societal as well as personal.
“We surrender our old snakeskin, old forms and institutions and await our transformation and expansion into the ‘new’. Find your detachment. Watch the dissolution with a neutral eye.
“With the Sun in Cancer, it’s the time of the zodiac when we are concerned with nourishment, family, tribe, home, mother, food issues, the past, and our ancestral inheritance that means ancestral patterning as well.
What ancestral patterns are you carrying that you could be free of? This is the time for their ritual healing…”
“Ruling planet Saturn is involved in a Finger of God or Yod pattern – a catalyst for adaptation in hard times, Mars and the South Node are involved, so it might go something like this – disciplined practical action to get beyond the old way of doing things with your emotional charge acting as an obstacle needing to be cleared…”
“With Mars, Pluto, Saturn, Moon and Sun all active in this Full Moon chart, we’ve got focus and energy for some practical restructuring in the areas of our lives that have just been yearning for attention, so let’s use it!
“At the same time, Saturn continues in a Fire Grand Trine with Eris, newest dwarf planet and showing no fear to raise conflict and controversy to expose injustice and power imbalances, and also the North Node, our edgy point of growth…”
“In this Moon chart, Chiron squares Ceres, goddess of the grain, Earth-Mother Nourisher, midwife for birth and death.
“Chiron in Pisces will help Ceres in last degree Gemini surrender her grief and outrage with the past to enable her to free her power and love for all living and growing things.
“Nature is our healer here. Turn to the Earth for this Capricorn Moon.”
© Copyright 2017 ~PAT LILES All Rights Reserved


 *FULL MOON* Blessings!
 F U L L   M O O N 

July 8th  9:07 pm PDT

July 9th 4:07 am GMT

July 9th  3:07 pm AEDT

★ ★ ★  SHARING GUIDELINES  ★  ★  ★

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