*FULL MOON* Cancer Moon, within the Solstice *vortex* anchors us into our hearts.
Mother energy, the ground beneath our feet, holds us steady as we walk this journey on.
It’s been quite the year, feeling the depths, the limitations, the injustices.
So much heartache in the collective.
The Mother feels it all.
And through it all, through all the challenges and the obstacles on the path, she brings comfort and understanding.
So on this FULL beautiful Grandmother MOON, wrap a blanket of comfort around yourself and your loved ones.
Like her, reflect the Sun’s light until, the Light returns.
The beauty is the remembrance that it will.
Here are the ASTRAL INSIGHTS from our beloved featured guiding lights…
LEAH WHITEHORSE from her LUA Astrology shares:
“With the Moon strong in her own sign, this lunation takes place at a magical time of year…
“The great wheel of the year turns…
“Typically, as this is holiday season too, this is often a poignant time of remembrance.
“Cancer is associated with family, home, ancestors, history, memory.
“The out -of-sign squares from the Moon and Sun to both Mars and Chiron may mean we feel absences more sharply during this time.
“Difficulties we encounter during this period may have Cancerian themes such as parent-child dynamics in our family or relationships or issues connected to where we live.
“Work-life balance too could generate some heated feelings.
“The squares to Mars and Chiron mean this chart has a T-square pattern which is known to increase tension.
“With emotions already heightened, we need to be on our guard for over-reactions, especially if we feel threatened…
“It’s important to note too that with the lights at zero degrees of their signs, there is a strong sense of the promise of things to come.
“Zero is written as an unending circle ‘0’ and within it we have all possibilities contained…
“Instead of dragging up the past or harking back to the way things were, we need to have our eyes front and centre. We can’t go back. We can only move forwards.
“There are different options available to us if we shake off the fear.
“Mars can then act in our best interests by taking orders directly from the soul whilst stimulating imaginative ideas…
“As the Moon is in nurturing Cancer, one of the best ways to use this lunation is to consider what we need on an inner level to increase our emotional maturity and security.
“Ensuring we have the right emotional support is the foundation stone for outer world success. Some of that support may come from others, the rest we need to provide for ourselves…
“The Sabian symbol for the Full Moon is : On A Ship The Sailors Lower An Old Flag And Raise A New One
“This is about changing the guard, raising a new standard. What we aspired to in the past isn’t relevant any more.
“Give yourself a hug and a pat on the back. You made it! The old fight is done, let it go!
“A new year is almost upon us. It’s time to raise a glass, toast the past and pledge allegiance to the unfolding future.”
© Copyright 2018 ~LEAH WHITEHORSE All Rights Reserved
ROBERT WILKINSON from his Aquarius Papers shares:
“This one is extraordinarily mobilizing, and many will shift direction or allegiances in their lives.
“This period will bring many realizations we’ve been waiting for, both favorable and frictional, while other things will be put on hold for a few weeks.
“Pay attention to what your ‘bodily wisdom’ is telling you, since Mercury’s teaching us this exact thing over the next 2 weeks…
“…stay clear about what roles you are and aren’t playing, while not verbalizing in ways that undermine your sense of who you are and what you’re here to do.
“Because of the squares and biseptiles from Sag to Neptune and Mars in Pisces, don’t waste energies getting aggravated by the need to centralize as you expand, do NOT push things past your endurance, take time to meditate and recuperate after activity, and take a new look at how and what to communicate, teach, or learn.
“Though there are quite a few frictional aspects, there are also the two very powerful spiritual and specializing configurations going on involving 6 planets, showing revelation and serendipity are in the air!
“Though the energies may threaten to spin out of control from time to time, remember that many things are ‘tidal’ right now, so learn to feel which way the tides are flowing and you’ll make progress despite the imbalances, cross currents, and general inner and outer friction!
“This is a time to mobilize, and ‘claim power before the assembled tribe.’
“It marks a time of shifting allegiances, powerful repolarizations, and a fusion of the power generator with the guardian of boundaries, as well as a fusion of the higher and lower minds in the sign of the Higher Mind.
“…the more skillful we become in dealing with life’s aggravations, annoyances, disruptions, and unexpected diversions, the less these are a problem in the future, and the more we are able to keep our cool in the midst of the generic atmospheric conflict. That way we can fulfill our destiny and enjoy the journey!
“We are now moving from a Sagittarius to a Capricorn emphasis, though with Jupiter in Sagittarius for the next 12 months, we all get to learn the Sagittarius dance with life, love, humor and freedom.
Keep laughter in your heart as you move into the future, and claim your power to live a more effective life!”
© Copyright 2018 ~ROBERT WILKINSON All Rights Reserved
Blessed Holy days + love to all~


*FULL MOON*  in  CANCER ::: December 22nd 2018 9:48 am PST ::: December 22nd 2018 5:48 pm GMT ::: December 23rd 2018 4:48 am AEDT

