

Wow! Year of the FEMALE (yin) Water Snake begins on the NEW MOON February 10th, 2013! Here is the MYSTICMAMMA download on what it represents and what energy this year will bring according to Chinese Astrology…
“Following and completing 2012’s unpredictable yang Dragon year, 2013’s sensual yin Snake year will complete the life palace of spirituality.The Water Snake year brings with it cosmic awareness, sage spirituality, and integration with your Source, Maker or Spirit.”
“The Snake feels and senses its way through life and represents spiritual rebirth, elusiveness and exploration of life’s mysteries.”
“In the Chinese astrological system, the large 60 year cycles (which contain the smaller 12 year cycles) are profoundly important. Although each animal sign repeats every 12 years, the specific combination of animal and element occur only once every 60 years. Not since 1953 have we had the alignment of Water (stem) & Snake (branch) year.”
“The ending or culminating months of deep and covert Water Snake years is the winter, the period of dormancy and quiet gestation. The Water Snake rules ponds and stagnant pools, peat and bamboo. Water of the marshes Water of winter nights, calm and deep water to be feared and respected. Still water sheltering underwater secrets asleep in its depths; sinking and muddy.”
“Profit from this year to restore your energies and regain your inner balance. Avoid overwork or any excesses which will follow with depression. Maintain your equilibrium and do not waste your energy. Don’t go too far too quickly. This years Water element will be socially beneficial, calming and conducive to meditation and interpersonal contact.”
“The nature of the deeply feeling Snake year is “gradual and gathered strength,” bringing a more moderate than radical year. During Snake years, our concerns turn toward inner-growth, spirituality and discovering the reasons behind things…”
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More wonderful insight from Mary Shurtleff from JenningsWire:
“˜Nothing is as it seems’ could possibly be a theme for the new Chinese year of the Female Water Snake 2013, as she mesmerizes and hypnotizes the masses into believing that which is not really there.”
“As she creates illusions of grandeur, leaving questions of what is real and what is not, it becomes difficult to know what is illusion and what is reality.  But then on the other hand what is the difference between illusion and reality?  Doesn’t the illusion become our reality? This year could get very tricky!!”
“The word illusion is an erroneous perception of reality, concept, or belief.  The word reality means a state of being actual or true, the totality of all things possessing actuality, existence, or essence.”
“Simply saying something is a reality doesn’t make it so. Sometimes the reality of a situation is only an illusion of our perception at the time of the incident occurred. We all have different illusions of what reality really is.”
Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly – Morticia Addams.
“The Female Water Snake is know for her incredibly deep and beautiful eyes that denotes wisdom and is synonymous with the 3rd eye or pineal gland, the seat of spiritual wisdom. The Female water snake is very sexual, sensual…Prepare yourself to see a world of beauty and splendor as seen through the eyes of the Female Water Snake. These eyes can hypnotize you. This year could prove to be a very illusional or delusional year with lots of mystery and surprises.”
“The WATER SNAKE of 2013, paves the path for re-birth, new beginnings and transformation as she sheds her skin.”
“Water is the womb of life and seeds being planted for the future. By the year of the HORSE in 2014, when the elements finally line up amicably wood for growth and creativity and fire for passion the world will feel right again.  The Water Snake year will plant the embryo to bear fruit in 2014. This is a time to set your ship on course to manifest your wildest dreams.”
“This year let go of all attachments emotional, mental, physical, financial, and spiritual- that may be holding you back. Transform them, like the Water Snake, into something of value that will help you move ahead to the next level of your be-ing.  As with anything, you must research your past to detect patterns and behaviors that no longer work for you in order to change the course of the future.”
© Copyright 2013 ~ Mary Shurtlef. All Rights Reserved
How magically aligned 2013 YEAR OF THE WOMAN and YEAR OF THE FEMALE WATER SNAKE! The Feminine is most certainly rising as we tune into our hearts and connect with the heart of our Mother Earth! Beauty abounds and the way is open for the glorious, captivating and healing energies of the Feminine to come forth. So bless the world with your touch and move from your heart! 
Infinite Blessings dear ones!