

Here is Kaypacha once again sharing his wisdom and insights…
“Life is an education,
Drawing ME out of me,
And the more I am able to deal with,
The more I will set myself free.”
He says:
“OK, time to slow down, take some deep breaths and remember that Uranus, which is such a prominent player for us, now IS THE FUTURE. The insights, the visions, the awareness that is coming from deep within our personal unconscious is showing us our future, not necessarily tomorrow!
“The danger of Aries is over reacting in a knee jerk fashion with impatience and haste. Good to know there is time and not get too freaked out or worried that it’s not happening fast enough or may not happen at all…. it will.
“On another note, as the tremendous urge for freedom right now may be prodding you to head for the hills (or alternate planets), it can be helpful to simply make little steps toward speaking your truth, opening doors of communication, and little by little giving yourself more room to move, more self expression, and greater impact in the world.
“It may happen that we lose the advantages of the relationships we are in, or cause undue shock and trauma to others by suddenly and radically altering our course at this time.
“Taking it all in, learning the lessons knowing that recess is coming can help to calm the wild child within. May all your dreams come true…”
