ART: Alexander Rothaug

Here is our dear brother Kaypacha  from his New Paradigm Astrology sharing his weekly wisdom and insights.
“If I’m feeling stopped or blocked,
Something holding me back,
It may be Spirit guiding me,
Toward another track.”
He says:
“Welcome the full Moon conjunct Saturn! This full Moon in Capricorn is a time for decision making! A time to further commit or get out and commit to something that you see as helping you reach future goals. Decisions possibly born out of decisions you made last Christmas and now need to strengthen or modify.
“The thing to remember here is that our decisions take us out of the infinite world of potential (Neptune) and ground us in this 3D world of Saturn which is where ‘things happen.’
“So what really ends up happening is that our decisions MAKE US WHO WE ARE. You can be whatever you want, rebel, builder, destroyer, explorer, dancer, whatever, but you have to decide and every decision brings you closer or farther away from your ‘true identity.’
“Hence the pressure we’re feeling now….. it’s really the pressure to reflect on just who we want to be.
Happy hunting!”

