ART: John Goldie – Paraselene drawing of March 19, 1872


Here is our dear brother Kaypacha  from his New Paradigm Astrology sharing his weekly wisdom and insights.
“Being a bridge between the worlds,
Of here and now and beyond,
Is to not disappear into cosmic light,
Or get trapped in the dark underground.”
He says:
“Happy Solar Eclipse! With a grand trine in earth this week starring Venus, Saturn, and Uranus it is a great time to make real changes in your life.
“As a matter of fact, both the eclipse and the trine point to either making changes or having changes make you into something new. It is not a good time to try and lay low, avoid change, and keep doing the same thing or taking the same approach that you always have….. that’s a sure path towards trauma.
“These times are calling each of us forward to challenge ourselves to become more than we have been in all facets of our lives.
“Real improvements are not only possible but probable as it is time to raise the bar on our expectations of ourselves, our relationships, our governments, communities and humanity at large. We can do it!”
