Le livre blanc by Cocteau-via-MM



Here is the energetic theme for June 2016 channeled by the always wonderful Lena Stevens from The Power Path.com:


“We have been put through the paces, initiated into the unknown, forced to trust (May’s theme) and are now facing our own resistance to change and evolution.
“This month we will get to experience that resistance is futile and stems only from our own fears of the unknown and our attachment to what we know.
“It is time to adapt to what is actually happening and to where the energy wants to flow.
“You do not have to like some of the things that are happening, you just have to stop resisting them. Resistance requires a lot of energy that can be better spent elsewhere. This is a choice.
“If you really embraced the lessons around trust last month, you should find yourself in a place of greater acceptance and flexibility.
“Resistance is fear based and usually accompanied by negative emotions such as anger, martyrdom, judgment, resentment and blame. It can cause depression and anxiety negating inspiration, enthusiasm and your zest for life.
“Adaptability is the ability to take a current situation or circumstance that is either unfamiliar or somehow unacceptable, and instead of resisting or blocking it, accepting and allowing it through your own choice.
Instead of putting all of your energy into resistance and judgment, choose instead to put it into being resourceful and proactive in any situation.
“Many of you have had to deal with unexpected situations that have thrown you off your balance and known ways of living your life. Some of you have already needed to adapt to changes not of your choosing. Choice is the key, as it will keep you out of martyrdom and resistance.
“When you can be proactive with your choice to accept and be flexible, the universe opens more possibilities for you. Instead of focusing on the door that is closing, look around you at all the ones that are opening.
“The more flexible and accepting you can be, the more resourceful you will be with an easier time adjusting and adapting to current situations.
“We have a lot of movement this month and those of you who are attached to controlling how things go, will definitely have to let go of that control. The trust theme of May follows us into this month and will be around as a reminder to turn what you do not understand over to spirit rather than to be overly obsessive.
“We are in an accelerated time of evolution and transformation. We are adjusting to a new paradigm and although it may not seem like it based on all the negative happenings in the world, we are actually moving forward in the larger picture.
“How you navigate this month will determine how well you can migrate into the new paradigm without excruciating growing pains. So drop your resistance and adapt to what is now, what is new, what is gone, and what is coming.
“If you focus on your choice to be resourceful instead of fearful, you will rekindle your enthusiasm and inspiration for what could be instead of feeding the fear, which is an illusion anyway.
“Adaptability supports seeing opportunity in every challenge. If you feel beaten down by recent events, get back up, shake yourself off, and choose to continue to move forward.
“If things do not happen the way you planned or if your plans get changed, be flexible, resilient and accepting. Instead of stewing about how it did not work out, adjust and adapt to something new.
“It is a great month for stepping into anything new; a new routine, a new relationship, a new project, or a new look. Make sure you are choosing it proactively as you adapt to new energies and resourceful ways of moving forward.
“We are not going back. Evolution only goes in one direction. The increase in energy and complexity is here to stay. So you can adapt or you can suffer. Your choice.
How the month shows up:
“This is a great month to honor personal change. Whatever has been internalized over the past few months has a possibility for outward manifestation this month.
“For example, if you have been working on better health, your health could outwardly improve this month. If you have been dreaming about starting a new area of study or a new project, you could have both the resources and the support for actually getting started.
“The growing pains of your recent personal growth will also subside as you begin to show up in the world, well adapted to the transformation. Expect sudden changes to continue and be prepared to be flexible, accepting and resourceful.
“As you continue to trust, make sure you are also doing practices that keep your energy positive and your frequency as high as possible.
“Beware of matching others who are struggling and remember that you cannot take away someone else’s pain or do their growth for them. Be the light and be the example. Focus on the fun and the magic of life as you adapt to what is here and coming.
“Most of all be inspired by what’s new instead of regretting the past. It is time to put your creativity and inspiration first and to calendar time for yourself doing what you love to do. Others will adapt.
“The most important relationship this month is the relationship with yourself. It is a great month to reflect on who you are, what you need, what you desire, what you have been putting up with, what needs to change, and how and where you need to adapt in order to live more fully and authentically.
“Once you make your choices and set your intentions, then others will need to adapt to them. This is the hard part as there may be relationships that are unable or unwilling to adapt to your choices.
“Beware of overly compromising based on the fear of loss. Stay true to yourself no matter what the consequence. This month there is good support for being authentic and for moving forward in a new way.
“There also may be relationships that evolve with you as well as new ones that drop in suddenly and feel like you have known them your whole life.
“In times of great change there is often a shake up and an acceleration of people connecting for agreements, karma and exchange. Don’t resist. Be accepting but proactive at the same time.
“People you have not seen or spoken with for many years may cycle back around into your field either for a completion of something karmic or a renewal of your connection from a new platform. So if you suddenly start thinking of someone from your past, reach out to them. It may be important.
“It’s a good month for health as long as you keep things moving. It will be helpful to change it up a bit and to try new approaches to supporting your health and well- being.
“You will also get a lot of mileage out of taking some quality time for yourself to nurture not only your physical body but also your spiritual foundation.
“Whatever you do this month to support your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being will bring you great results and have far reaching effects. Focus and discipline will help you adapt to new routines and helpful practices.
“Good health and well-being is not automatic. You do need to put some energy and effort into it and to trust that if you do, you will see results.
“Resistance and fear can affect the body. Resistance in the body feels weighty and burdensome. Fear will trigger anxiety and depression.
“So if you feel overwhelmed, tired, anxious, depressed, lethargic, uninspired, resentful or angry, you are in resistance fueled by our fears. Drop the resistance, come into acceptance, and you will feel better and adapt more easily.
“The other possibility this month for the physical body is to experience its ability for accelerated healing, miracles and performance. The body is capable of much more than we believe possible or that we credit it for.
“Try some ‘what if’ questions this month related to your physical capabilities, health, energy levels and healing ability and see what happens. Remember to keep adapting to new situations physically as well as emotionally, mentally and spiritually.”
“Expect changes, handle crisis creatively and adapt where and what you need to. This is an excellent month to regroup, restructure, reinvent and reorganize.
“You will have the inspiration as well as the energy to think proactively, hopefully somewhat out of the box, and to adapt to new goals and desires as needed. Be open to new suggestions and unexpected opportunities.
“If you are hitting a wall with a project or work situation let it rest for a while and then approach it from a different angle where it can be adapted to a new opportunity. You may also be able to see it more objectively as an old energy that needs to be let go.
“If you need to let something go, you can trust that another door will open that is better aligned and adapted to where you need to be at this time.
“Restructuring may include schedules, finances, support people, the work itself and may also include taking a risk with trying something new.
“You will definitely be inspired to reorganize your space, throw away old outdated files, upgrade equipment and relationships where you need to and restart old tired projects with new energy.”
© Copyright 2016 ~Lena Stevens All Rights Reserved

