Posts tagged "life"
MERCURY goes Direct! July 31st 2019~

MERCURY goes Direct! July 31st 2019~

Robert Wilkinson says "Reflect on recent redirection of energies... take a new look at what you’re heart’s into, and how to express what you really care about in playful or creative ways...."
You are the pattern breakers and also the pattern makers~

You are the pattern breakers and also the pattern makers~

"And so we ask that you continue to do the work upon yourselves to create changes in your thinking and doing and this in turn creates changes in the destiny of all life upon this planet...
Create your world in love~

Create your world in love~

"Make a home for eternal spirit in your heart. Notice what thoughts create tension or anxiety and choose to release them...
We are the hidden mainstream~

We are the hidden mainstream~

"When I look at the inspired, devoted, and brilliant people that work in so many ways to repair and nourish the world, in families, communities, and sustainable enterprises everywhere on Earth, I see the imaginal cells of our own transformation..."...
End of 2013 Astrological weather report & reflections~

End of 2013 Astrological weather report & reflections~

The end of the year brings with it a deeply reflective time. So much has changed and is changing within us, so we must take the time to honor this reflective space emerging...
Mercury goes Direct November 10th 2013: Guided to our Soul~

Mercury goes Direct November 10th 2013: Guided to our Soul~

"So as Mercury now goes direct in motion, open up and be receptive to higher awareness, higher knowledge, and a greater faith in your ability to know in ways you’ve never known before. We are now solidly in a time...
Kaypacha Astrology Report for week of October 9, 2013~

Kaypacha Astrology Report for week of October 9, 2013~

"The changes just keep on coming. Now that Venus has emerged out of the underworld of Scorpio we can put some to the pieces together to understand the bigger picture. The New Moon last week opened up further awareness...
Now-ness is the path and the destination~

Now-ness is the path and the destination~

"When you learn to be with now-ness, guidance becomes an 'And now' experience, rather than 'What next?'
Kaypacha Insights and Reflections for week of October 3rd 2013~

Kaypacha Insights and Reflections for week of October 3rd 2013~

"It's hard to ask on bended knee, Admitting that you have what it is I need, But once I do I'm completely free, And love can grow as I becomes WE."
NEW MOON in Libra October 4th 2013~

NEW MOON in Libra October 4th 2013~

"The Libra New Moon on October 4 is a potent New Moon. In fact, this could be the most powerful New Moon in 2013...
Cultivate a quality of grace~

Cultivate a quality of grace~

"Cultivate a quality of grace in your relationships and in your general way of being. In this way you gain a power greater than any other to open a way through obstructions in your dealings with others..."
Have the courage to ask~

Have the courage to ask~

"For many people, asking is the most difficult form of speaking out...Asking ---for the words, touches, reactions, gifts, responses, things to be done, ways to behave toward you, that you need--- can be a very scary thing...
Kaypacha Astrology Pele Report: Our Power is Connected to our Joy!

Kaypacha Astrology Pele Report: Our Power is Connected to our Joy!

"This is one of the most powerful weeks to enjoy, let loose, and free your spirit. It is time to celebrate the growth that began last January...
Step into the unknown~

Step into the unknown~

"Today I will factor in uncertainty as an essential ingredient of my experience. In my willingness to accept uncertainty, solutions will spontaneously emerge...
Life is a sacred journey~

Life is a sacred journey~

"Your life is a sacred journey. And it is about change, growth, discovery, movement, transformation, continuously expanding your vision of what is possible, stretching your soul, learning to see clearly and deeply...
That which you cannot describe but which exists, makes life extraordinary~

That which you cannot describe but which exists, makes life extraordinary~

"It is part of the goodness of your spirit. It is that mysterious and intriguing part of your spiritual life. Magic is what we are all looking for...
It's only for a moment that we are this~

It’s only for a moment that we are this~

"When you know that you are just a disco party of cells that came together for a time, you'll live like the blazing sphere that you are, and dance with the spheres around you...
View the lessons as perfect~

View the lessons as perfect~

"We can develop the capacity to view the lessons of our daily lives as perfect in the way life arranges them at the right time and right place...
You don't have to know~

You don’t have to know~

"Believe me, you don't have to know. Not so much that you render yourself helpless. Helpless in the face of what Life brings next. So make peace with knowing very little...
Recognize that Spirit is coming through~

Recognize that Spirit is coming through~

"Blessing is the act of recognizing that Spirit is coming through what we are witnessing or experiencing. It is recognizing and acknowledging the grand flow of Beingness that is present...
There is just the right moment for everything~

There is just the right moment for everything~

"There is just the right moment for everything. If you find obstruction on your path, back off just a minute. Take time to allow for an integration of this new information....
You are Life~

You are Life~

"What you are is a force---a force that makes it possible for your body to live, a force that makes it possible for your whole mind to dream. Without you, without this force, your body would collapse on the floor......
Get near the heart of the world~

Get near the heart of the world~

"As long as I live, I'll hear waterfalls and birds and winds sing. I'll interpret the rocks, learn the language of flood, storm, and the avalanche. I'll acquaint myself with the glaciers and wild gardens...
Stillness is a pleasure~

Stillness is a pleasure~

"Stillness is a pleasure. Let it become a pleasure and a privilege. And if in that stillness, you knew that tomorrow was your last day to be alive, what would today be like for you? Would you do anything differently?...
Everything has the potential to transform us~

Everything has the potential to transform us~

"Everything within our life structure has the potential to transform us when we know how to properly relate to it....
Trust the rhythm~

Trust the rhythm~

"In any creative feat (by which I mean your work, your art, your life) there will be downtimes. Or so it seems. Just as the earth is busy before the harvest...
Your inner wisdom knows the answers~

Your inner wisdom knows the answers~

"Support yourself in making the right choices for yourself. When you are in doubt, ask yourself: 'Am I coming from the loving space of the heart? Is this a decision that is loving for me? Is this right for me...
Everything you do is a choice~

Everything you do is a choice~

"Remove the expression 'have to' from your vocabulary and your thinking, because it is going to release a lot of self-imposed pressure on you...
Sing your song!

Sing your song!

"The song you've been holding back is the cause of your heartache. Don't wait! You've got to sing your song as if your whole life depends on it. Within our core self is indelible blueprint of unrivaled individuality...
Something is calling you~

Something is calling you~

"Something is calling you from the quiet space inside and from the vast universe all around. Something is calling you to life. Something is calling forth the stream inside you and awakening you to your connection with the source...