Posts tagged "legacy of women"
The Legacy of Women

The Legacy of Women

"When we heal ourselves, others are healed. When we nurture our dreams, we give birth to the dreams of humankind. When we walk as loving aspects of the Earth Mother, we become the fertile, life-giving Mothers of the Creative Force.......
Honor the gifts of Womankind

Honor the gifts of Womankind

“We are being asked to honor the gifts of womankind and to call on the strength of our sisters in order to discover ourselves. The circle will come full when every human can see the beauty within the Self, as...
We are invisibly linked~

We are invisibly linked~

"You may be carrying the seeds of something that will change your life and the world...give it energy, prune what needs pruning, let the tap root go down into the energy field of Mother Earth...
Ode to Divine Mother~

Ode to Divine Mother~

Here is a video, an Ode to the Divine Mother that a beautiful sister from Turkey by name of Filiz Telek created. Words by the wonderful Clarissa Pinkola Estes....