Posts tagged "flow"
We are called in this life to attend a changing landscape~

We are called in this life to attend a changing landscape~

"We are called in this life to attend a changing landscape, both outwardly and inwardly. As emotional beasts, we often blind ourselves running cheetahlike into the thorns that sprout in our way...
Let dreams be your law~

Let dreams be your law~

"I cannot be born on solid ground, only where everything flows. To enter my dawn you must be unbound from how the fixed world goes. Leave behind your maps and losses, let dreams be all your law...
Feel stable as you expand and evolve~

Feel stable as you expand and evolve~

"Stability is a matter of perception. Find where you can openly flow and expand in the midst of seeming complexity...
You don't have to know~

You don’t have to know~

"Believe me, you don't have to know. Not so much that you render yourself helpless. Helpless in the face of what Life brings next. So make peace with knowing very little...
There is just the right moment for everything~

There is just the right moment for everything~

"There is just the right moment for everything. If you find obstruction on your path, back off just a minute. Take time to allow for an integration of this new information....
Everything is flowing~

Everything is flowing~

"Contemplating the lace-like fabric of streams outspread over the mountains, we are reminded that everything is flowing-going somewhere, animals and so-called lifeless rocks as well as water...
Trust the rhythm~

Trust the rhythm~

"In any creative feat (by which I mean your work, your art, your life) there will be downtimes. Or so it seems. Just as the earth is busy before the harvest...
Something is calling you~

Something is calling you~

"Something is calling you from the quiet space inside and from the vast universe all around. Something is calling you to life. Something is calling forth the stream inside you and awakening you to your connection with the source...
Live creatively~

Live creatively~

"Imagination is the force that pulls your physical, emotional, and mental energies into dynamic harmony, giving wings to your soul...
Tune in to subtler levels of perception~

Tune in to subtler levels of perception~

"Human history has been a partial and incomplete description of the universe, a humanly described fiction based on the observation of those without perception of the finer, subtler energy frequencies...
Let life be a deep let-go~

Let life be a deep let-go~

"Don't try to force anything. Let life be a deep let-go. See God opening millions of flowers every day without forcing the buds.That which is going to happen will happen. Whenever it is going to happen it will happen...
Become aware of the interrelatedness of all things~

Become aware of the interrelatedness of all things~

"Seeing the webs of coincidence in our lives, is the first stage in understanding and living synchrodestiny...Awareness translates into energy. The more attention you give to coincidences, the more likely they are to appear...
Pierce the space of joy, appreciation and oneness~

Pierce the space of joy, appreciation and oneness~

"Listen to the beautiful, subtle voice of your own soul and open yourself up in a way that can receive Spirit in all ways, at all times. Pierce the space of joy, appreciation, and oneness that resides deep inside of...
Be present and open~

Be present and open~

"Presence is an expression of beingness, a creator of intimacy. It has to do with being wise in your simplicity. From simple beingness, your true identity emerges...
Guidance comes when you ask for it~

Guidance comes when you ask for it~

"Guidance comes faster and is clearer when you ask for it. Asking is an accelerated way to invite wisdom and grace to flow through you. The key is to be open and receptive...
Let others vibrate as they vibrate~

Let others vibrate as they vibrate~

"Let others vibrate as they vibrate and want the best for them. Never mind how they're flowing to you. You concentrate on how you're flowing...