Posts tagged "Eclipse Astrology September 2015"
SOLAR ECLIPSE + NEW MOON in Virgo September 12 / 13 2015~

SOLAR ECLIPSE + NEW MOON in Virgo September 12 / 13 2015~

Solar Eclipse and NEW MOON in Virgo opening up a portal with potentiality for great healing. This is a time of seeing clearly, of trusting, of connecting deeply with Source...
Astrology for September 2015 by Sarah Varcas: Be Life~

Astrology for September 2015 by Sarah Varcas: Be Life~

"Welcome to one of the most powerful months of 2015! With two eclipses, one occurring at a Super Moon, Mercury turning retrograde, Saturn entering Sagittarius, Pluto stationing direct in Capricorn and Venus completing its retrograde journey...