Posts tagged "center"
Occupy your center~

Occupy your center~

"Tune in to the core of your body," the Grandmothers said. "Whenever you occupy your center, everyone and everything connected to you lifts..."
Your inner wisdom knows the answers~

Your inner wisdom knows the answers~

"Support yourself in making the right choices for yourself. When you are in doubt, ask yourself: 'Am I coming from the loving space of the heart? Is this a decision that is loving for me? Is this right for me...
You are always in sacred space~

You are always in sacred space~

"...everywhere you are is the center of the world. You're always standing in the middle of sacred space...
Step into your present~

Step into your present~

"Your outer journey may contain a million steps; your inner journey has only one: the step you are taking right now. As you become more deeply aware of this one step, you realize that it already contains within itself all...
Open your heart to contain all who you are...

Open your heart to contain all who you are…

"Open your heart to contain all of who you are, all of what life truly is; this is the path of mastery." ~Lynn V. Andrews