Henri Georges Jean Isidore Meunier


Yes, we all breathe a sigh of relief to hear these news! Communication will finally start to move forward. Here are some insights from our beloved featured astrologers.
First from author of  A New Look at Mercury Retrograde,  astrologer ROBERT WILKINSON  from his Aquarius Papers:
“Mercury goes direct in motion October 25, 12:17 pm PDT, 3:17 pm EDT, 8:17 pm BST, and speeds up for the next 10 weeks. This shows a quickening of the ability to coordinate, put things together, understand the whole and the parts, the process and the larger cycles. It is now stationary at 17 Libra, affecting that area in our lives for 3 months to come…”
“…we should all start seeing, hearing, and understanding things that point the way to some Mercurial technique of how we have been and continue to be guided to our Soul.
“Given that it falls at 17 Libra, it shows us some way to find peace through retiring and contemplating old dramas and crises that were successfully navigated, preparing to move into deeper connectedness with others, as well as new experiences.
“The Sabian Symbol for Mercury’s Direct Station: We are told the Sabian Symbol is ‘A retired sea captain.’ According to Rudhyar…In ‘The Astrological Mandala’ he states the keynote is ‘the capacity to gain an objective and calm understanding of human experiences in which one was once deeply involved.’
“He says this symbol is about remembering the crises we’ve overcome as well as the peak experiences of our lives, and notes ‘wisdom and inner serenity can hardly develop save on the basis of the overcoming of struggles and conflicts.’
“Isn’t that the truth! I’ve found the only thing that’s brought me serenity this life is the knowledge that I was courageous in facing every trial, every problem, every crisis with as much strength and determination as I could muster at the time, and win, lose, or draw, I always took the high road and stood on my basic life principles and convictions. I let my Inner Warrior fight every battle. That’s why even though I have occasionally been hammered, I have never been defeated!
“Rudhyar goes on to say this symbol is about ‘peace and quietude'” where we watch ‘ships entering and leaving the harbor,’ and know that others are learning in their own way through their own challenges.
“Here we see the dramas and challenges we’ve overcome, and finding peace and wisdom from our experience, may be able to help others who are going through the same challenges we did…”
“…We will also be re-tracing our Libra and Scorpio lessons from now through November 10 due to Mercury still transiting its ‘shadow’ span, ie, the span it’s in since it went retrograde at 3 Scorpio. Of course there will be residual echoes for the next 14 weeks as well…”
“Of some importance is that between now and when Mercury leaves its shadow zone, Venus and the Sun are both trine Neptune, stabilizing our feeling connection with collective Consciousness, and offering powerful karmic adjustments so that some reckless energy is curbed.
“A new set of stable patterns are now forming via the Scorpio transits, so remember to use your emotional intelligence wisely as you flow down the time stream past old discouraging atmospheres into a newer, deeper connection with self and others.”
“…From a place of emotional stability, we’ll know how, when, and where to flow, and can now move into a new sphere of interactive feeling-experience. We shall express some fulfilled part of Self in a form of self-transcendence through shedding old ‘skins of personality,’ culminating in a sense of relief, an imaginative searching for how and what we need to do our thing, and begin a process of contemplating how we’ve retired from some old dramas and can now be at peace with those areas of our past life experience.”
© Copyright 2014 ROBERT WILKINSON  All Rights Reserved
And from the always insightful DIPALI DESAI from her Celestial Space Astrology:
“Mercury in Libra goes Direct at 16 degrees on October 25th, 2014. This month, the main focus has been on relationships of all kinds and communication. It has brought up and highlighted the ‘off-balance’ at the core of any given relationship, personal and or business.
“To break it down in simplicity, the idea of being in relationship with the other person has been up for review. If there is any excessive strain or dysfunction such as co-dependence it is time to revise and transform the pattern. The main change begins within the mental energy and linear mind first before any practical steps may be taken.”
“….by the end of the month, some relationships will arrive to the final destination point of completion or will have to radially transform to move with the needed changes. Each may feel the shake up, breaking down and dissolving to new beginnings are contained within October 2014.
“It may be the simple matter of people growing apart in different directions or no longer will disrespect be tolerated. Thus the arriving to making a clear choice, implementing it and being open to new possibilities and creating room for new relationships.
“In the natural progression of relationships, the main theme is evolution and healing. If two people are simply on different pages and have two different ideas of what the relationship is all about, if there is no middle ground and way to honor each other to move parallel then, the it will be difficult to sustain it.
“If communication has broken down in a relationship and there is no way to repair it or work with the partner through it, that may be the beginning of the end. As you decide to leave a relationship (personal or business), you need not gossip, talk bad about or become the victim.
“Look at the whole piece as your Spiritual growth, that of evolution. New choices to be made, insights and lessons that are learned. Healing to be felt. And how you walk on..move forward, with integrity and love or be bitter – is your choice.
“What has become obvious too with this Mercury in Libra retrograde cycle, is that one person (or more) may have been the glue keeping it all together for a very very long time. This creates an off-balance as the scales are tipped. The relationship has survived on one person holding the relationship together. What if the person no longer feels it is healthy and decides not to do it? The other person has to step up to the plate and take responsibility to do their fifty percent. If this is not an option or they resist and if it is not rectified in a healthy way, a tremendous strain is placed on one or more people. How long is will this go on? That is a decision you must reflect on and make with wisdom and not out of impulse or irrational anger and pain.
“As Mercury goes Direct in Libra is makes a ‘Opposition’ to Uranus in Aries-Retrograde. This symbolizes sudden clarity, leads to new choice which may require communication to the other person or people and it may upset the status quo if there is an ending to the relationship.
“Sudden liberation happen with a shift in perception. Freedom is available. There is potential for communicating with loving-kindness and straight-forward assertiveness. There is no beating around the bush or being overly politically correct here with Mercury/Uranus aspect. Conflicts or opposing points of view will require communication, or resolution which could lead to an ending and change. Be clear, direct and loving in stating your needs.
“Mercury in Libra will also emphasize the ‘Square’ to Pluto in Capricorn (activating the Uranus Square Pluto aspect for everyone). This suggests intensity to the words so choose wisely. The potential is, transforming fear-based perceptions and moving into empowering perceptions while communicating with patience and integrity is your responsibility.
“This whole configuration suggests a ‘call for wise pragmatic action and communicating with loving-kindness.’ You are responsible for your emotions, reactions and choices which help your overall growth, healing, health and well-being. Allow others to take their responsibility. The pattern within the relationship, communication or situation may no longer be tolerable. This is a clear signal that a change must happen…”
“On the aftermath waves of a Solar Eclipse in Scorpio (Oct. 23rd), there are vibrations of new beginnings to support Mercury Direct in Libra. Where one window closes, another window opens or rather where one idea dissolves a new one forms.
“There is tremendous potential with this astrological aspect for crystal clear solutions, invigorating the mental energy and finding grounded ways to put into application the changes. Stay alert and open to new possibilities now, especially unusual ones. It is best to think outside the box and be willing to progress into unknown lands metaphorically and perhaps literally.
“Mercury will re-enter Scorpio and move past its point of retrograde on November 10th, 2014. This suggests communication and information pathways in full speed of expression. Ideas or projects implemented now will have little hindrance.
“There is a fresh new phase for the mental energy, logical/linear mind to create and be open to new ideas. Now is the time to share, discuss or explore the deeper levels of reality. Explore the Mysteries, talk with depth of feeling and having empowering perceptions and communication with self and others.”
© Copyright 2014 ~DIPALI DESAI All Rights Reserved
Light speed ahead to new frontiers!
Blessings to all~~~


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