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What is the salve that will soothe our wounds and calm our beating heart?
The Mother. The great Mother of the Universe. The Mother of Creation, The Mother of us all. The Mother, the Mother, the Mother.
We turn towards Great Mother Energy and it is her energy that heals us. It is her love that soothes us. It is She who brings us into her bosom and reminds us that we are not forgotten. That we are not forsaken. That we are loved by her. That she sees us and knows who we are. That she holds us through and through.
This is the message that comes through. This is the message that resonates throughout the cosmos.
Yes, the intensity we are feeling is real, but we are not here to amplify that.
Let’s instead invoke the healing Mother energy in the world and allow it to nurture us on the deepest levels. Allow her energy to flow into our heart, soothe our muscles and nervous system, cleanse and purify our minds, and calm our beating hearts. “What the world needs now is love sweet love.” 
There is so much bubbling up from the depths with a particular focus on the shadow side of the Masculine energy with each of us and within society at large. Personally and collectively we are seeing where it needs healing. There is a lot of planetary activation happening around this, so let’s be mindful with aggression and reactivity. Take deep breaths, be patient and remember we are all feeling it and dealing with it in in our our way.
This Total Lunar Eclipse *Full Moon* in Aquarius will be visible in much of Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa and South America.  As you might have heard, this will be the longest Eclipse in the 21st Century with the totality lasting 103 minutes.
Through this darkness we will be shifting our assemblage points to realign who we are through space and time, in this space and in this time.
Time to take a look inside to see. We hold the key.
The wonderful CATHY PAGANO shares:
“The cosmic waves of change keep rolling in…
“Don’t forget to go out and look at the Full Moon, even if you can’t see the eclipse. 
“The sight of the Full Moon and brilliant Mars shining nearby will imprint on your psyche in a magical way.
“Eclipses are magical moments where something slips through an energy portal to both destroy and create. It’s a path opener.
“Eclipses are known to bring things to a head; something is released, especially at a total lunar eclipse. It’s time to bring things sleeping into the light.
“The energies during the past few months have been intense and chaotic, and it feels like things are getting more intense, very much like the stage in labor called transition – the contractions keep coming without stop. It’s an intense time, but it presages birth…
“It’s during this most intense stage of labor that mothers have to try to stay focused on our task – to birth new life…
“So during this powerful Blood Full Moon lunar eclipse, when the light of the Moon is veiled, we have to stay focused, to see and understand what lives deep within us, those parts of ourselves we’ve locked away from our awareness that need to be seen and acknowledged.
“These parts might be gifts we developed in other lifetimes, old behavior patterns shaped by beliefs that no longer serve us, or lies we’ve told ourselves about who and what we are…
“When outer planets are involved in an eclipse pattern, it signals a change in the collective energies as well as in our personal energies.
“…It’s time to figure things out – to see the root cause of our trauma and heal it through the trine to Chiron in Aries – through a new understanding of who we really are.
“We can ground in the meaning and purpose of our life experience when we see ourselves clearly.
“The healing is for masculine energy in men, woman and the world
“The Divine Feminine has been awake in the world since the 70s.
“It’s time for the divine Masculine to be birthed anew
“Warrior, father, lover and magician: these are the archetypal energies that need to be embraced and developed as the New Masculine.
“Will men rise to the occasion? Some of you have. Hopefully, you will help others who are ready.
“This means women have to do things differently as well, since we also have patterns of how we use our masculine energies that have been shaped by patriarchy.
“It’s time for women to find our own way of doing things. And many of us already have.
“Deep change is upon us and we have a chance to work consciously with it…
“These cosmic alignments focus on what questions we need to be asking ourselves.
“How does masculine spirit want to be renewed and incarnated now?
“…How do we deal with Mars’ shadow of aggression, anger and competition? What is bravery?
“How do we change our way of doing things? How can we shape something different by how we act in the world?
“Are we living our dharma? How are we contributing our knowledge and wisdom to the world?
“…Mars retrograde with South Node in Aquarius will find us walking away from collective expectations of what we should do and how to do it. 
“Just as Aquarius rules the round table of collaboration, it also rules mob mentality.
“South Node in Aquarius demands that we look at how we betray our beliefs when we don’t have the integrity to act on them.
“When it comes to dealing with Mars – the masculine spirit, left brain rationality and men – how have we been betrayed by them? 
“…With the collective nature of Mars retrograde on the South Node in Aquarius at this lunar eclipse, it’s time to recognize that our world’s fate is in our hands.
“When we engage in community on whatever level, we are participating in our world and bringing our unique gifts to the collective.
“Look at what you’ve been hiding from and bring it into the light of day where you can create something new out of it.
“With 6 of our 10 planets in fixed signs during this eclipse, there are possibilities of big personal breakthroughs on issues that have been stuck for a while.
“…We’re all being tested. Trust your inner spirit. Don’t fear the changes. We don’t have to go through anything alone. Where’s your tribe?
“Don’t be afraid to ask for help… we don’t have to go through things alone now. That’s a new way to solve an old problems – help each other.”
© Copyright 2018 ~CATHY PAGANO All Rights Reserved


The always insightful  SARAH VARCAS from her shares:
“Around the time of this eclipse and in the months to follow, revelation of our deeper motivations will continue.
“If we’re pursuing agendas introjected from others or presiding social mores, this will become abundantly and undeniably clear.
“Childhood patterns, familial expectations so deeply rooted they feel like our own, dictates of society, religion, spiritual teachings past and present, all may shape us aside from our authentic spirit.
“This eclipse season, and especially this lunar eclipse, opens Pandora’s box of influences to reveal what’s really going on.
“It may not look pretty at first, but in the long run it will foster greater awareness and understanding, diminishing our capacity to be influenced by externals to serve agendas not our own.
“Of course, it works both ways! Others may awaken to our influence and begin to resist what once felt like minds and hearts in accord. Offering space to each other to process and explore these internal upwellings will be a compassionate gift of great value now, although not one easily given.
“It can be deeply unsettling when the ground of significant relationships begins to shift and swell.
Patience, with ourselves and each other, as we all navigate a changing interior will go a long way to reducing potential conflict that could do more harm than good.
“We still have one more eclipse to go (a solar eclipse in Leo on 11th August) so this process of unveiling is not yet complete.
“And with Mercury retrograde until the middle of next month, there will be plenty of opportunity to get to the root of things and recalibrate perspectives accordingly.”
© Copyright 2018 ~SARAH VARCAS All Rights Reserved


And astrologer JOHN SANDBACH who channeled the Chandra Symbols says about this AQUARIUS 5 degrees:
“Thought processes can obscure knowledge by twisting it, misreading it, and shifting focus away from what is most important.
“This degree senses the profound wisdom to be found everywhere, if one can just clear away the debris of meaningless details and ignorance that have buried it.
“It seeks the purity of divine essence amidst the fogs of negativity, and its persistence finds it, eventually. 
“The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “Humans worshiping an obese nature goddess.”  This degree deeply believes in the abundance of nature, and knows that when we allow ourselves to be receptive to what life is offering us, we can draw to ourselves all that we need.
“What enhances and supports this process most is sharing this attentiveness to the forces of nature with others. This is what helps us to get back to pure spirituality, and unearths the temple of the Omega Symbol.
“Pleiadian Symbol: Many generations of a family speaking to each other across time. 
“Azoth Symbol: Archives which no one has looked into for many years.
“A fire burns at the bottom of an old well (Chandra Symbol). Attuning to the great mother we realize creative forces at work deep inside ourselves.”
© Copyright 2018 ~JOHN SANDBACH All Rights Reserved

Love, love love~
*F U L L  M O O N – L U N A R   E C L I P S E*
July 27th 1:20 pm PDT
July 27th 8:20 pm GMT
July 28th 6:20 am AEST