Here is brother Kaypacha with the weekly astrological guidance…
“I need to ask the question,
Then sit still and listen,
To Life’s new proposition,
For my evolution.”
He says:
“OK, now here’s the funny thing, we can sit in meditation and ask the Galactic Center the question and listen intently hearing nothing but our own breathing. We can then go out to the kitchen and have our lover give us a shopping list of things he/she needs emotionally, sexually, financially, or spiritually. Now we can scratch our heads and wonder, but…evolution.lactic Center may just be using your lover to tell you very clearly the answer to your question, eh? As above, so below, out there is reflected and highly active, down here! Yikes!
“So anyway, welcome to a new cycle around the zodiac of life!!!! Got a few more days to defrag that hard disk, clean out the old limiting beliefs, fears, and the results of such, in prep for another round!”
