geoffmcfetridge-via-tumblrART: GEOFF MCFETRIDGE

Here is brother Kaypacha with the weekly astrology report:
“It’s never very easy,
To close the book of dreams,
But if I connect my head to my heart,
It’s not as bad as it seems.”
Kaypacha says:
“With the astrological aspects this week we can channel the highest energies and info from other worlds and/or get lost and confused and have a hard time distinguishing what is real…”
“It is not a good time to be making big decisions, signing contracts…It is a good time to retreat, chant, dance, meditate and connect with our highest aspirations.
“Time to use and develop our extrasensory perception to see, know, feel, and understand what our limited ego is unable to grasp.
“This energy will be passing by next week so stay calm, cool and collected allowing/trusting Spirit processes beyond your control. Namaste!
