

In late September, the Indigenous Elders and Medicine People of North and South America united for four days in sacred ceremony.
The significance of this meeting is profound for it is the embodiment of the prophecies of the Condor (South America)  and the Eagle (North America). It was said that for 500 years the Condor would rule, then for 500 years the Eagle would rule and then for the next 500 years the Condor and Eagle would fly together and activate a new level of consciousness for humanity.
They have issued forth a powerful statement which will be read by Chief Arvol Looking Horse and his wife at the UN next week. (See UPDATE BELOW) They are calling for the global community to spiritually awaken and come together to address the imminent crisis in Fukushima which should be handled by the global community since the continuity of all life is at stake.
Although their statement illuminates the nuclear crisis at Fukushima, their message is for humanity to spiritually awaken.
The foundation for peace will be strengthened  by restoring the Original Instructions in ourselves
“Prophecies have been shared and sacred instructions were given. We, the People of the Earth, were instructed that the original wisdom must be shared again when imbalance and disharmony are upon Mother Earth.
“In 1994 the sacred white buffalo, the giver of the sacred pipe, returned to the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota people bringing forth the sacred message that the winds of change are here. Since that time many more messengers in the form of white animals have come, telling us to wake up my children. It is time. So listen for the sacred instruction.
All Life is sacred. We come into Life as sacred beings. When we abuse the sacredness of Life we affect all Creation
This is a wake up call as the delicate balance of our planet is being struck by cumulative and compounding devastation. The Elders say:
The Fukushima nuclear crisis alone is a threat to the future of humanity. Yet, our concern goes far beyond this single threat…”
We only have to look at our own bodies to recognize the sacred purpose of water on Mother Earth. We respect and honor our spiritual relationship with the lifeblood of Mother Earth. One does not sell or contaminate their mother’s blood. These capitalistic actions must stop and we must recover our sacred relationship with the Spirit of Water”
>>> Please read entire Council Statement here and add your name in support. Please share far and wide and let our collective call to action be heard!
Like the Elders say, it is time to come “together with good minds and prayer as a global community of all faiths.”  Let’s hold the highest prayers and best possible outcome for all of humanity and the continuity of all of Life.
Blessings to us all~~~


>>>A lot of information has been withheld and the mainstream media is not fully covering the Fukushima crisis. Here is an article from a non-profit independent media company 


UPDATE: Chief Arvol Looking Horse, 19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe and Spiritual Leader of the Great Sioux Nation and his wife Paula Horne presented the council statement on Fukushima at the Tillman Chapel at the United Nations headquarters in New York City on november 14th 2013 and it was heard.

There was a Fukushima Response drafted for a peoples proposal for a UN Resolution brought forward by Arvol and his delegation to representatives at the Alliance of Civilizations, the Chief of the Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues as well as the Ambassador to the Permanent Mission of the Republic of the Philippines to the United Nations. You can read it here.
Like the Indigenous Environmental Network so beautifully stated:
“This is an invitation to step into service, to choose to join a collective body of humans that deeply cares about our planet. Please read the Indigenous elders statement If you find resonance, consider signing, asking your own questions, and joining us with good minds and prayer for the healing of life on Earth.”