

FULL MOON ~ SUPERMOON ~ HARVEST MOON bringing the deep and feminine waters of Pisces to cleanse our emotional realms. There is potential for deep healing.
Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights form the most tuned in readers of the planetary bodies. First from the insightful Divine Harmony:
“This Full Moon is…what I am calling a waterworks Full Moon!
“The Moon in any of the water signs is already very emotional, sensitive and receptive- but I would argue that Pisces is the most sensitive of all the signs…”
“With the Full Moon in Pisces we have a heightened sense of sensitivity– which could bring us to the point of bliss or to the point of pain and suffering.
“If you find yourself in tears leading up to this Full Moon- now you know why. (I think crying is good- it helps you to release all that you are holding onto.)
“Moon conjunct Chiron is a very heavy aspect. There is wounding and pain around emotions, being supported, nurtured and being contained. Since Pisces is the sign of vast consciousness- there is simply no way to put a container around all that it feels and experiences!
“This Full Moon can bring up some deep psychic stuff around childhood, the past and/or the shadow. Looking at any wounds and pain (or denial) we have around codependency, enabling, addiction, victimization or playing the martyr is key right now.
“To add to this on Thursday 9/4 Chiron was perigee- which means his orbit was closest to earth. Whenever planets (or planetoids) are closest to earth their energy is felt more palpably- and so this amplifies the sensitivity and woundedness in the air right now.
“…can unearth stuff we did not see or did not want to see– particularly stuff around anger. If we have been repressing it or holding in for a while- watch out! This Full Moon chart could pop the lid of all that repression- which can be great for release but could also wreak a bit of havoc in your life if you don’t express that anger consciously!
“The Full Moon also forms a Grand Water Trine with Saturn in Scorpio and Juno in Cancer. This sweet watery alignment supports healing and cleaning of the karmic past in relationships and commitments in our lives…if we can tap into Saturn in Scorpio and our ability to navigate the shadow, as well as juno in cancer and our ability to attend to the relationships that mean the most to us- then this Full Moon can be fruitful.”
“…with so much Jupiter all over this Full Moon chart (sextile Sun and Mercury, square Saturn, trine Uranus, quincunx Pluto, quincunx Chiron/Moon- with a 3rd yod being formed by Jupiter/Pluto/Chiron/Moon!)- there is a hugely expansive, expressive energy present. So work with it! Be grateful, give thanks, see the Bigger Picture, think positive.”
© Copyright 2014 ~ Divine Harmony All Rights Reserved.
 From the wise Cathy Pagano from her Wisdom of Astrology:
“This Pisces Full Moon is another super Moon—closest to the Earth, bigger than usual, more energizing.  If you live by the ocean, the tides will be higher, bringing the magic of the ocean closer to our consciousness…”
The magic of Pisces is the magic of the Heart.  The Sufis believe that the Heart is an ocean and the body is its beach.   Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love and Wisdom, arose from the ocean waters and came to shore as Love, which is our blessing and our heritage.  Pisces is the World’s Heart and Aphrodite’s love arises from the Source of Life, flowing through the body, engaging the heart and mind and filling us with spirit.
“When we actually sense what our hearts are feeling, we understand the quality of the moment.  Russ Hudson, co-author of The Wisdom of the Enneagram1, says that the ‘heart tastes what the moment is all about’.  The heart brings us the quality and texture of the moment.  
“The heart is the knower of truth, not the mind.  The mind presents us with possibilities and choices, but the heart knows the truth.  Being in touch with our heart tells us the quality of our existence, the truth of who we really are.
“The heart brings us a sense of the preciousness of life and the present moment.  The heart feeds the soul, and truth is the heart-food we most need.  What is your truth?  Who are you really?  What are you being called to be and do?  
“Each year we get to harvest our experiences, so we can continue to weave the tapestry of our lives.  Virgo brings it all together and makes it coherent.
“…the Blessed Virgin Mary is a good example of a Virgo/Pisces goddess figure.  As virgin, she alone gave birth to the savior.  As Great Mother of all, she is the source of compassion for all our suffering…Mary also has a sacred heart—a heart full of love and compassion.  The ancient Mother is calling to us, wanting to lead us home to that place of calm and peace that we all long for.  The way there is through the heart.”
“…The Great Moon Mother shares with us an awareness of the woundedness of our world and asks our Virgo self, what we intend to do about it.   Once we remember our inner Spirit, we are compelled to open ourselves to our spiritual destiny.
“It is time to dispel the illusion that we are separate from each other and from the Earth.  Pisces teaches us we are all One, just as we are individuals. The question this Pisces Full Moon poses us is why did we incarnate at this moment of human history?  Is it to continue feeding the corporate machinery of patriarchy, or is it to dive deep within our humanness and remember our responsibility to Life.”
“…The ongoing Uranus in Aries square to Pluto in Capricorn connects with Mercury and Pallas Athena in Libra.  Pallas Athena united with Mercury symbolizes the creative intelligence we need to solve our problems.
“Uranus opposite these two energies opens our intuition and can guide us to new perceptions concerning social justice (Libra) that can counter our continuing racial, gender and sexual prejudice.    Pluto squaring these two energies uses the power of ideas to transform reality.
“…We are being asked to make a choice.  Will we continue with our old ways of being in the world or will we trust our hearts to know the truth, so that our minds can listen and find us a way through the darkness to a new dawn?”
© Copyright 2014 ~ Cathy Pagano  All Rights Reserved.


From the inspired Kelley Rosano:
“The Pisces Moon is in a harmonious energy flow with Saturn and Pluto. This can open the door to greater abundance in your life…The abundant life includes love, joy and well-being…We also need to feel strong and effective. This requires self-mastery.
Be the captain of your ship. Be the master of your destiny. Your power lies in how you take care of you. You want to love your Self more than the need for other people’s approval. Otherwise, you are giving your power away to forces outside of you. People and situations that you have no control over, this makes you feel bad about yourself.
“When you live from the outside, you can end up at the mercy of other people. Lost and confused. This is the dark side of Pisces. When you are empowered, you live from your authentic self, from the inside-out. You are proactive. You are empowered. You are using your resources wisely…” 
“There is more good news here. The Pisces Full Moon is coupled with Chiron…This supportive healing energy can empower your own deep healing. You can heal old wounds. You could experience a liberating healing in September…Your pain and suffering hold great value. It makes you compassionate. Your struggles are there on your path to make you great. They empower your self-mastery.” 
© Copyright 2014 ~ Kelley Rosano All Rights Reserved.


From the wonderful Patricia Liles from The Power
A feminine Pisces Full Moon draws us into oneness and compassion, sensitizes us to the subtle realms of feeling and being while dissolving any separation from our own true nature. Surrender is the portal to the garden…”
“Further blessings in this Full Moon chart come from the Full Moon/Chiron being one point of a Grand Trine in water with Vesta 16º and Juno 16º.
“Vesta is our inner spiritual fire that we focus and dedicate first and foremost to our own inner work, sublimating the heat of kundalini energy to discovering our selves at our deepest core, resting in our powerful connection to Spirit…
“This Grand Trine with Moon/Chiron, Juno and Vesta, empowers the reemergence of our feminine consciousness. Let Chiron help release anything you have created in fear and still carry, and recreate your life with the help of the feminine expression of the asteroids so generously gifted with ease and grace here at Full Moon…”
“Neptune, ruler of Pisces, is opposite Venus. As quick moving Venus sees her reflection in Neptune, Pluto and Chiron between Sept. 10-17, we have an opportunity to deeply love and forgive ourselves. Valuing yourself as the son or daughter of Spirit is a very good practice (Inner smile) and is the prelude to moving into higher centered consciousness.
“Our other fleet-footed messenger, Mercury, will be triggering the Uranus/Pluto square between Sept. 9-13 putting us in touch with communicating our deepest truth.
“We are speeding along to Equinox now on September 22. Change is in the air on so many fronts. But one thing is for sure, Love is all there is.”
© Copyright 2014 ~ Patricia Liles All Rights Reserved.


FULL MOON Blessings!


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