Mary Herrera via MYSTICMAMMA-COm


Ok, so I’ve been hearing about this FULL Moon for a little while…I steer far away from the drama interpretations and I chose to focus on the positive since our thoughts are so powerful we manifest what we believe to be true.
It is really good for us to be aware of the collective energy in the air, so if there’s the potential for it to be bit prickly or challenging,  we can be aware of it and navigate through situations the best we can. Seems like FIRE energy will sparking up especially in relationships so just make a note to be specially mindful and heart-ful!
Remember that whatever is occurring is timely for our growth and we have the power to choose LOVE in every situation. Every experience is a gift, and how we engage with it is part of our growth. It’s important that we focus on aligning with LOVE, and TRUST what is unfolding. LOVE energy conquers all, no matter what.
Lastly, something that was hidden might could come to the foreground on this light of the FULL MOON in Libra, re: in our relationships. So if that is the case, trust in that too. Trust in the process, for the truth shall set us free…
Here is are the Astral Insights for this LIBRA FULL MOON on March 27th 2013, from those readers of the stars bringing the most helpful interpretations of the planetary movements… 
First, a wonderful assessment from the always inspiring Kelly Rosano:
“The Libra Full Moon on March 27 could be the most intense and significant Full Moon in 2013. The winds of change are blowing strong at the Libra Full Moon.  This Full Moon is action packed…
♦ What do you need to release and let go of?
♦ What is complete for you?
♦ What new insights and visions did you receive at the Pisces New Moon?”
 “The Libra Full Moon triggers the powerful life-changing Pluto/Uranus square. We need to practice conscious awareness in our lives. Be awake in what we are choosing and doing. Change is the only constant in transitional 2013.”
“We want to be open and flexible to what is being asked of us. Being controlling and/or rigid will not bring us what we want. Make friends with change…We are the masters of our destiny. We are the empowered ones…”
“Relationships are front and center at the Libra Full Moon. We have Venus, Sun, Uranus, and Mars in Aries opposing the Moon in Libra all challenging (T-squaring) Pluto in Capricorn. Reinventing relationships is a strong theme.  Old ones may need to be released, as new relationships emerge.”
“Watch out for emotional power struggles. For instance, people who use manipulation, hidden agendas, guilt and jealousy to control us. These are the lower energies of Pluto. This is not love. This is fear. Own your power.  Love Self more than the need for a relationship. Love Self more than the need to keep people in your life.”
“…There is a Yod (finger of God) pointing to Jupiter in Gemini at the Full Moon. This Yod involves the heavyweights — serious Saturn and pernicious Pluto. Creator is saying to us. ‘Cleanse and purge your life of self-limiting beliefs, negative thought patterns and attitudes.‘ Remember that, we create our reality with our thoughts, words, feelings and actions. What do you want to create? Take charge of your mind and life.”
“We end March with the Sun in Aries challenged by Pluto. Resistance is futile with purging Pluto. We are to move from breakdown to breakthrough. We may need to make radical changes in our lives. Where ever things are not working well. Keep the faith and trust that a new and better life will replace the old.”
♦ Are you ready to move ahead?
♦ Are you open to new friendships and love?
♦ Where do you need to take a giant step forward?
“Remember that, these planets only take that which is obsolete. They will not take what you need for your personal evolution.  In fact, the main purpose of the Libra Full Moon and the Sun/Pluto transit is to empower you. So that you are ready to receive the positive creative changes that can take place now.”
“Clean out the closets in your home and in your mind.  Use the Libra Full Moon to clear out the past and to get organized.  In this way, you are sending a powerful message to Creator. You are letting the universe know that you are ready for the new opportunities that are coming into your life.”
“We are in the new paradigm. Creating wealth and manifesting our heart’s desire will require us to live from our Soul-Self.  We are to come from love not fear. We are to release and let go. Our soul knows that the best is yet to come. Make sure you are sleeping, resting and taking time for yourself. These powerful ascension energies raising our vibrations can be exhausting at times. Take a time out when you need it.  Come back re-energized. Get ready for action in April.”
“Nobody else knows your reason for being. You do. Your bliss guides you to it. When you follow your bliss, when you follow your path to joy, your conversation is of joy, your feelings are of joy — you’re right on the path of that which you intended when you came forth into this physical body.  ~ Abraham
Copyright ©2013 Kelly Rosano All Rights Reserved.
 From astrologer Diane Lang at Libra Seeking Balance:
“If there ever was a time to get serious about agreeing to disagree, this Full Moon at 06° 52′ Libra on 27 March 2013, 02:28 AM PDT is it. Maintaining a sense of perspective promises to be a real challenge.”
“…The stressful side of this Full Moon comes from Mars, Aries’ ruler, who is currently at home in Aries. Direct, forceful and forthright, Mars in Aries is still within shouting distance of Uranus though, in my opinion, is far enough ahead of the Sun we have more say in how we express our anger. Those with personal planets and the Ascendant from 8° to 11° in the cardinal signs however may not escape so easily. The desire to push ahead at all costs may be very powerful…”
“With all those planets in Aries stirring the pot and bringing tempers to a boil, it is a good time to contemplate anger management. When we get angry do we claim our anger or point to something or someone else as the cause? If we claim our anger we stand a far better chance of dealing with it in a constructive manner. “
“The string of squares to Pluto in Capricorn starting with Mars the day before the Full Moon and both Venus and the Sun on Easter Sunday after it bring control issues to the forefront. Are we mad at ourselves for choices we’ve made or do we feel like it is all someone else’s fault? Something worth taking a look at in my opinion.”
“This was not the easiest lunation to write about because peaceful soul that I am, I wanted to see if I could find something hopeful to say. As a Libra, I usually love this Full Moon and it was hard to see all the stressful aspects in this chart. If I have succeeded in bringing a little light into the picture, then I am happy. Choose peace and practice kindness, people!”
Copyright ©2013 Diane Lang All Rights Reserved.
From Sarah Varcas from her site :
“So this Full Moon in Libra reminds us that our relationships with others and the world around us are not just about our own needs, but how we define and meet our own needs is integral to their success…”
“This Full Moon speaks some uncomfortable truths, but it also holds a positive message of hope and change. Because the more that we can remember our place in the entirety of this universe, our insignificance in the face of an infinite universe the likes of which our tiny minds cannot even comprehend, the better able we’ll be to regulate our desires and recognize when our personal wants are becoming an obstacle to our gratitude for the blessings with which we’re already endowed.” 
“This week we all have the opportunity to question our needs and desires a bit more deeply. To ask ourselves why we want what we want, and how that desire really took root within us in the first place. And in contemplating these questions we can begin to encounter the deeper and more enduring comfort that arises out of knowing we can pull together to meet our basic needs, to create workable communities that protect and support all their members, regardless of material status. Because there’s quite enough of everything to go around, if we all receive only what we need and pass on the excess to others.”
Copyright ©2013 Sarah Varcas All Rights Reserved.
 Wonderful as always advice and assessment from Dipali Desai and her Celestial Space Astrology Blog:
“It will be wise to compromise and be mindful of your part in things during the Full Moon in Libra at 06° 52′ on March 27th, 2013. Practicing the art of conflict resolution will be essential now. The astrological sign of Libra prefers peace and harmony, yet this full moon phase may be anything but that. Though there is potential for harmony to be restored and for us to remember we are peace itself as our true nature, as Soul. We can take that into any situation that arises.” 
“…The key during the Full Moon in Libra is expanding and deepening self-awareness through relating with others.
“The Sun in Aries makes an opposition to the Moon in Libra. This suggests the potential to harmonize both the conscious and subconscious so there is a united front of peaceful assertive expression. There is an art to compromise and with the foundation of Spiritual values in place, negotiation is done with mutual respect and honor rather than competition and being manipulative.”
“There is a dynamic energy forming with the Full Moon in Libra making a tense connection to Uranus in Aries. and Pluto in Capricorn. Venus, Sun, Mars and Uranus traveling through the fiery sign of Aries. See the beauty in the chaos as the Divine is in the midst of it all. There is a strong emphasis on using the “Spiritual Compassionate Warrior” energy for freedom of expression rather than battle of egos to be hurtful of others or even to oneself.”
“The Scales Tip
“As highly pressurized conditions or situations boil over or bubble beneath the surface during the Full Moon in Libra, some of the stagnant emotions may rumble, tumble and whatever has been stuffed may flood out. But let’s face it, holding in emotions for a long time may feel like you are smothering yourself from the inside.  If something gets triggered, that area or spot may require healing and understanding. Go with it. It is possible for disagreements to manifest in relationships creating conflict and possible friction.  Interacting with others gives us the opportunity to gather more insight into self.”
“Sometimes the right jolt or two reveals to us where love is missing or where we are tipping the scales of self-respect too much or overly compromising for the sake of peace.  While other times, the energy strongly pushes on the heavy denial or wall of pain so healing and transformation may occur.”
“Let it be a healthy release. Do not project things at another or others. Take responsibility for your role or part in things. Shift your perspective, see the issue or situation through the lens of Soul or wisdom and you will find the deeper meaning and purpose of whatever is happening.”
With Mars/Pluto symbolism, it’s possible for people to act in odd ways, spew anger, fury and other not so pleasant emotions and even make power plays that may be manipulative and strategic for self-gain. A feeling of betrayal is possible or something from the past may surface for healing. Instead of going into duality ‘me versus them, good versus bad’ – ask yourself what is the lesson, what is it you can practice, how can you remain assertive and empowered.  Shift your perspective about the issue or situation. This keeps you get out of the ego-power struggle and on the course of evolving as a conscious individual.”
“For some situations, it may be best to agree to disagree and give the whole thing some breathing room and come back to resolve it in a few days. The situation or issue is a catalyst for your healing, growth and awareness. It may reveal where you feel powerless or stuck and where you need to practice being empowered and trusting Soul and the Universe to guide you.”
“What manifests around this time may be startling, shocking, surprising.”
“The combination of Moon in Libra “opposes” the Sun, Venus and Uranus in Aries and Mars in Aries ‘Square’ Pluto in Capricorn – It is possible hidden information or insight may present itself as truth and clarity emerges. Be open, curious and stay empowered.”
“There is potential for old relationships (both personal and business), marriages, partnerships, collaborations, alliances to become obsolete and permanently exit now. Or relationships will feel the push to grow and evolve to the next stage. This leaves an open space for something new to be born and emerge. New partnerships or relationship may require regular nurturing to strengthen for long-term.”
Intention: “I AM Peace in the midst of chaos”
 Copyright 2013  Dipali Desai. All Rights Reserved
 From Patricia Liles from The Power 
“With Pluto, God of the Underworld and holder of the shadow, exactly squaring Mars and this Aries group, as well as the Full Moon, we have the potential for eruption of buried material, frustrated power issues, secrets, toxic materials of all sorts. Certainly freeing of the shadow reveals the power and light available and this is what we seek in order to evolve, but when we pass through this kind of portal as we do now, the crisis-provoking square energy in the hands of those who at their core feel utterly powerless in these challenging times of dissolution of what had been believed to be stability can be a notably impulsive, destructive, self-righteous energy.”
This activation of ‘revolutionary power’ used by the creative, shamanic and those who have the discipline and knowledge to handle these energies skillfully is a powerful opportunity. The Full Moon is collective energy and each one is called on to acknowledge and release those lines and pools of powerlessness within that are up surging with the energy of Spring and this most powerful of Full Moons. This energy began in the days before Full Moon and continues through the end of the month and beyond.”
“The Finger of God triangular formation created by Pluto and Saturn at the base with Jupiter at the apex is still active with Jupiter also exactly square Chiron at 11º (Gemini-Pisces) lending deep support and catalyzing energy for healing and urging us to work with the beliefs and mental constructs that hold old wounding experiences in place. Every where I look people seem to be turning over the old rocks in their psychological lives and seeing what dark, creepy-crawler things lie beneath (pain and suffering be gone!). Much collective healing is taking place. What you do for yourself, you do in support of healing for all.” 
 Copyright 2013  Patricia Liles. All Rights Reserved
From Molly Hall from 
“The Libra Full Moon chart suggests things coming to a head. Full Moons are harvest time, and with Libra comes in the instincts of the Judge. There can be a great re-balancing, with brave acts that flip the story drastically. This is not a time to provoke an “enemy” or pull a power move — it could backfire bigtime.”
This could be the moment to overcome inertia. To bravely move with the energies of life, freedom, physical vitality and creative risks. It’s a tipping point moment, of action, to forge ahead fully engaged in the moment.”
“Great and amazing strides are made, but only when we’re aware of the need for timing, and to stay rooted in the real. Some rude awakenings happen now, especially if we’ve got blind spots to what’s really going on.”
“Full Moons are about illumination, and what’s revealed now helps us balance the surging urge to act, with the demand to deal with ‘what is.’ This is a testing time. Will we keep sight of our dreams, in the midst of great struggle? It’s said we gain strength of character through adversity. And this then fuels our ability to take risks, and put the full weight of our being behind what we’re doing.”
“It’s also the astro weather of a relationship being tested — how solid is it? What’s been repressed or denied is confronted. This can be ultimately freeing, even if events happen that seem devastating in the short term. The specter of force/aggression/violence here makes it one to err on the side of caution for personal safety.”
“Energetically, this Full Moon can be like a cosmic judgment day, a harvest of sorts….a time of reaping what’s been sown. A sorry situation, something rotten at the core, can no longer be ignored. Inner passions and knowings surge to the fore, demanding expression. The future and life will win ultimately — what needs to be put right for new growth to happen?
“There could be dramatic experiences that quicken that process of birthing the new. The forces could serve it up as a break-up or other loss, or a great gain. There’s also the promise of paradigms shattering…so that there can be a fresh start…”
“This Full Moon is a catalyst for earth-shattering moments that wake us up to who we really are! And in the process, a new path of possibility is perceived…”
“There are stunning mercurial aspects, to be able to see deeply and from many angles. If you find yourself in a seemingly impossible situation, ask for a miracle of altered thinking. The way forward is to be flexible and adapt quickly as your perception changes.”
“An attitude of compassion is a light if you’re walking through shadows. This draws our attention to core wounds or emotional pools we emerged from. In such deep depths, we’re close to what’s meaningful, and with that, the sense of mystery and the divine.” 
Copyright 2013  Molly Hall. All Rights Reserved
Ever so grateful for all these astrologers wonderful advice in helping to navigate the changing tides! Wishing you an empowering, healing and illuminating FULL MOON!
Infinite Blessings~~~

