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*EQUINOX*  September 22nd 2018 6:55 PM PDT ::: September 23rd 2018 1:55 AM GMT ::: September 23rd 2018 11:55 AM AEST

The Equinox portends a shift for all of us, and functions as a gateway from the old into the new, from one season to the next.
Like a cosmic clock attuning us to the larger rhythms of the natural world, it asks that we take a moment and ground ourselves into the present, into our heart space.
Whether we are in the Northern Hemisphere transitioning into Autumn, or in the Southern Hemisphere welcoming Spring, this a sacred time to check in and ask ourselves, what matters most to us? 
Who are we at our core level? And are we living our life in accordance to what we hold most true?
What resonates so strongly in our hearts that it brings tears to our eyes? What is worth living for? What do we want to work toward?
In every moment we have the opportunity to awaken to our life. Our soul is rooting for us to have the courage to become exactly who we are.
We have been in the belly of collective transformation and it’s been quite a ride. As we drift in and out of the fog, the great Eagle reminds us that that the sun is simultaneously setting and rising on our horizons.
May we deepen our connection to our truth, our hearts, our power, our great Mother Earth who holds us, and the invisible vibration of Creation that pulses and breathes with all of Life.
With all my love~



Enjoy these *EQUINOX* posts with Ritual Ideas, Blessings, and words about its symbolic significance…


>>> Fall Autumnal & Spring Vernal – September EQUINOX Ritual Ideas~
>>> EQUINOX Blessing: May the nourishment of the Earth be yours~
>>> EQUINOX~ Significance and Resonance~
>>>EQUINOX Blessings ::: Reflections + Symbolism~